Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Is Beyond Physical For Many Patients
Cosmetic plastic surgery is beyond physical for many patients. Notably, people will consult with a plastic surgeon in efforts to reshape and improve the appearance of a number of things such as their breasts, abdomen, facial features, hair, the list goes on. Ultimately, the end goal for both the patient and the surgeon is for the recipient of the cosmetic procedure to have an improved appearance. Granted that plastic surgery is used to improve one’s appearance. self-esteem is directly linked with how one feels about their physical appearance. Therefore, undergoing plastic surgery to improve one’s appearance will help their self-esteem. Communication throughout the entire surgical process is essential. In order for both parties to be satisfied with the end results, communication should most definitely be a priority. Plastic surgery has been used for over 4,000 years, and continues to be improved today. India had some of the very first recorded reconstructive procedures, which included skin grafts and nose reconstructions. In ancient India, these surgeries were used to repair those who were injured in battle or had their nose cut off as punishment. For instance, Indian physician, Sushruta, who wrote the encyclopedia Sanskrit, provided instructions on performing procedures such as an earlobe or nose reconstruction using a skin graft from a cheek or forehead (DocShop, 2015). Reconstructive surgery techniques continued to improve, many great advances in medicine were made byShow MoreRelatedCosmetic Surgery : Surgery And Surgery Essay1074 Words  | 5 PagesCosmetic surgery is unlikely to change your life; it just changes your outward appearance to others. Cosmetic surgery can be very successful, but it is not risk-free; even though laser cosmetic surgery poses fewer risks than invasive surgery. After selecting and meeting with physicians for your cosmetic surgery, you will have to pick the one that fits your budget and personality. As people grow ol der, certain things play a big role in making skin look wrinkly and old that cosmetic surgery cannotRead MoreThe Pitfalls of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1569 Words  | 7 PagesCosmetic surgery has become increasingly more popular. However, many are unsatisfied with their results. Debra Dunn decided to have cosmetic surgery to fix a bump she had on her nose as a result of a childhood injury. After having two nose jobs and spending thousands of dollars, she was so dissatisfied with her results that she was embarrassed when she left the house and avoided mirrors. When she ventured out in public, she hid behind her hair. Although doctors tried convincing her that her noseRead MoreTeenagers and Cosmetic Surgery1573 Words  | 6 PagesBeauty is the trend in many societies, and it is highly valued by many teenagers. As a result, teenagers from all around the world who are insecure concerning their appearances are more likely to have cosmetic surgery to blend in, to avoid peer harassments, and to stop further inner torments. Keep in mind that plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are different even though both surgeries are used to fix someone’s physical body. Plastic surgery are used to mend looks that are ruined due to terribleRead MoreOutline On The Perils Of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1173 Words  | 5 PagesPerils of Cosmetic Surgery Specific Purpose Statement: to inform the audience about the negative effects of cosmetic surgery. Introduction: Attention Step: â€Å"I prefer artificial beauty to natural ugliness,†is a phrase that currently seems to be gaining popularity with many girls and women around the world. However, not many of them can understand the dangerous perils behind the artificial beauty. Clarification Step: 1. Nowadays, since the number of procedures increases, cosmetic surgery has rapidlyRead MoreSpeech Outline On The Perils Of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1230 Words  | 5 PagesPerils of Cosmetic Surgery I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"I prefer artificial beauty to natural ugliness†is a phrase that currently seems to be gaining popularity with many girls and women around the world. However, relatively few of them can comprehend the unsafe risks behind the artificial beauty. B. Introduce Topic and Significance: 1. These days, cosmetic surgery has quickly built up everywhere throughout the world. As indicated by a yearly report of the American Society of Plastic SurgeonsRead MoreThe Use Of Modern Plastic Surgery And Cosmetic Surgery1468 Words  | 6 Pagesmodern plastic surgery has evolved from a procedure used to provide treatment for disfiguring facial of the soldiers during WWI into a slave of modern beauty culture, more commonly known as â€Å"cosmetic surgery†(Gillies H, 1920). Although, the term â€Å"plastic surgery†and â€Å"cosmetic surgery†are used interchangeably, they are intrinsically different. On one hand, cosmetic surgery aims to enhance a patient’s appearance, which can be performed in all areas such as breasts, nose of body shape. Plastic surgeryRead More The American Way to Boost Self-Esteem Essay1281 Words  | 6 Pageswith false impressions of beauty and self-worth. Plastic surgery has turned into a mainstream trend, just as flare j eans and VW Beetles once were. We all have insecurities about our bodies. Whether its our stomachs, our thighs, or our noses, there will always be something about ourselves that will never be good enough. But some are taking this obsessing about our imperfections to an entirely new and dangerous level. Plastic surgerys role in Americans lives is starkly increasingRead MoreTeenagers and the Plastic Surgery Epidemic Essay1090 Words  | 5 Pagesteenagers choose to alter their body in order to fit the unrealistic standard of physical attractiveness created by our beauty-obsessed culture. Teens feel an immense amount of pressure to look â€Å"beautiful†from the media, peers and even parents. Teenagers are going to extreme lengths to reach this physical perfection, but when it comes down to it, just how far is too far? The numbers of teens going through with plastic surgery is startling and will continue to rise as America falls in to a beauty obsessedRead MoreOutside Beauty And Staying For ever Young1238 Words  | 5 Pagesyoung are the newest trends among today s society. Women are the highest percentage of this trend because women have been conditioned at young age to believe outer beauty is unsurpassed. Plastic or cosmetic surgery in the past has been kept hushed, never knowing did she have her nose worked on? Today plastic surgery is being embraced by the millions and highly looked upon. Recently a friend of mine had a breast augmentation. Her argument was the need to feel more confident in her own body. She feltRead MorePlastic Surgery Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesThe first career that interested me was plastic surgery. Plastic surgery deals with the repair, reconstruction, or replacement of physical defects of form or function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, cranio and maxillofacial structures, hand, extremities, breast and trunk, and external genitalia†Plastic surgery is divided into two different categories cosmetic surgery and reconst ructive surgery. Cosmetic plastic surgery is focused on enhancing people’s appearance. Improving aesthetic
Monday, December 16, 2019
High School Educational System in Contrast Free Essays
Name: Lily High School Educational System in Contrast between Canada and China With the development of a progressive and civilized society, education becomes a greater priority. In separate countries, there are distinct differences in the systems and methods by which education is practiced. The Canadian secondary school educational system is different from the Chinese education system in four main areas: the subjects offered for study, requirements for graduation, the authority of the teachers and the physical aspects of the institutions. We will write a custom essay sample on High School Educational System in Contrast or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first obvious difference in the education system between Canada and China is in the subjects that are offered for study. In China, there are two systems for students to choose in high school: a departmental system consisting of liberal arts and science. The students who choose liberal arts will study Mandarin, English, History, Mathematics, Politics, and Geography. For those who choose science, the preferred courses will be Chinese, English, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. According to BC Ministry of Education (2008), in Canada, there are two ways for students to choose: required and elective courses. For instance, required courses are planning, language arts, mathematics, fine arts and applied skills, social studies, science and physical education and are offered as the students only choices. Furthermore, elective courses have more flexible options. Surely, choosing any courses that interest students is important, as long as their electives are over twenty eight cre dits. The second difference between China and Canada is in the requirements for graduation. In China, students have to take college entrance examinations, which are the most important academic exams in China. In addition, students will receive placings that are arranged from the higher to the lower grades. The marks they get will influence whether they are able to graduate, to repeat the courses or to leave school and enter the workforce as only partially skilled. Conversely, in Canada, the requirements for graduation are easier than they are for students in China. Students in Canada are required to obtain just forty eight credits from the required courses, twenty eight credits from the elective courses, as well as four credits from graduation transitions (BC Ministry of Education, 2008)2. Other noticeable differences between Canada and China involve issues of the authority possessed by teachers. In China, teachers are like parents, in contrast, teachers are more like friends or mentors in Canada. Chinese teachers always emphasize the importance of rote learning and the value of marks. However, Canadian teachers give students more freedom and offer the opportunity to develop their interests. Furthermore, Chinese teachers are much stricter than Canadian teachers. Sometimes, a teacher in China can punish a student by assaulting them, which is due to the fact that teachers in China are held as being above question, while by law. Canadian teachers are not allowed to physically attack their students in any way. (Farran, S. , 2009)3 The final distinct area of difference between Canada and China is the physical aspects of the learning environments. For instance, the sizes of the classes in China usually are composed of approximately sixty people, but classes in Canada normally are a maximum of about thirty people. Statutory holidays are different, too. Chinese students are free from January to February for one month to celebrate Spring Festival and in July and August for two months because of the extremely hot weather. Canadian students are free during a part of December to celebrate Christmas during Winter Break, and this holiday is usually about three weeks without school. In China, students have to go to school in the evening to study; however, Canadian students have the choice of taking extra classes or tuition, but this is optional. In conclusion, the subjects offered for study, the requirements for graduation, the authority of the teachers and the physical aspects of the institutions are the main contrasts between the Canadian and the Chinese secondary school educational systems. Education is an essential component of a successful and potentially prosperous life, and a definitive part of the core competency of a nation. Therefore, how to form a more innovative yet completely effective system of education requires constant exploration, development and implementation of methods that maintain high standards and improve to the highest quality for the students of the world’s future. Reference: 1 BC Ministry of Education (2008). At a Glance Requirements – What You Need to Graduate. Retrieved 2012, from BC Ministry of Education 2 BC Ministry of Education (2008). At a Glance Requirements – What You Need to Graduate. Retrieved 2012, from BC Ministry of Education 3Farran, S. (2009). CAN HIGH SCHOOL GRADES BE TRUSTED?. MacLean’s, 122(44), 92-96 How to cite High School Educational System in Contrast, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Acute Care Nursing for Eventual Development- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theAcute Care Nursing for Eventual Development. Answer: The main cause behind the development of liver cirrhosis by Mr Nathan James is his hepatitis C infection which he had encountered 10 years ago. This is because, according to the reports published by Chen and Morgan (2006), chronic hepatitis C is the leading cause of chronic liver disease and liver cirrhosis. Chen and Morgan (2006) have further opined that nearly one third of the chronically ill patient of hepatitis C develops progressive liver injury followed by fibrosis and eventual development of liver cirrhosis over a period of 20 to 30 years. Approximately 75 to 85% of hepatitis C virus infected individual will progress towards chronic hepatitis C infection and these individuals are more susceptible towards developing extrahepatic manifestations along with compensated and decompensated liver cirrhosis (Chen Morgan, 2006). The main risk factor which further made Mr Nathan James susceptible towards developing liver cirrhosis is consumption of alcohol. According to the case study, Mr James used to consume 2 cans of beer per day. Alcohol is the main contributing risk factor behind the development of liver cirrhosis or is also responsible for developing alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis (Askgaard et al.2015). However, from the case study, it is still not clear whether Mr Nathan James have developed alcoholic or non-alcoholic liver disease. Askgaard et al. (2015) have opined that regular drinking tendency or the pattern of drinking is associated with the development of liver cirrhosis. The liver cirrhosis has hampered both the physical and mental state of Mr James. In the physiological parameter, it can be easily detected from the case study that he is spitting blood stained sputum along with weight loss and loss of appetite. Mr James has also developed certain unexplained scars over his arms along with distended abdomen, oedema in the ankles and mild jaundice. In the mental scale, Mr James irritated. Apart from Mr James, his family will also get affect. According to Golics et al. (2013), there is a significant impact on the quality of life of the members of family with patients of chronic disease. The family members of the patients experience worriedness, frustration and stress such that the members of the family are more emotionally affected by illness in comparison to the patient (Golics et al. 2013). Signs and Symptoms Pathophysiology Spitting blood stained sputum The liver an important role in blood coagulation. Coagulation defects arising out of liver disease predispose to an increased bleeding tendency. This bleeding is manifested via excretion of blood stained sputum. However, the sputum is not arising out of pulmonary infection and hence no chest pain or shortness of breath is experienced Loss of appetite The main pathophysiological mechanisms behind the clinical conditions that is responsible for the development of loss of appetite among the cirrhotic patients like Mr Nathan James is an ill-balanced metabolic state of the body. The reason behind this is multiple factors which intertwine and thus giving rise of loss of appetite as primary manifestation. Some of the important factors responsible for loss of appetite and subsequent malnourishment include inadequate offer of nutrients, diminished synthetic capacity of the hepatic cells, hypermetabolic state and impaired absorption of nutrients from the hepatic cells in blood. Odemain ankles and distended abdomen The most acceptable theory for behind accumulation of fluid as ascites is peripheral arterial vasodilation. This leads to under filling of circulatory volume. This in turn up-regulates baroreceptor-mediated activation of sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and nonosmotic synthesis of vasopressin to restore integrity of the circulatiry system. The result of this is highwater-sodium retentionwhich is identified as preascitic state. This condition simultaneously evolvesas fluid retention or ascites, as the liver disease gradually progresses towards worse. Irritability Liver helps in the clearance of the toxic particles from the body. In case of liver malfunction the toxic particles from the body is not removed adequately and this give rise to irritability. Mild Jaundice Bilirubin is generated in reticulo-endothelial cells via the breakdown of haemoglobin. The sequence of biochemical events isas follows: haemoglobin haematin protporphyrin biliverdin bilirubin. Bilirubin released from reticulo-endothelial cells into the body fluid in unconjugated or unconjugated form. This free bilirubin is then conjugated with proteins like albumin or alpha globulin and remains in that conjugated form and is not excreted out of body via kidneys. It is the role of the liver to break protein bound bilirubin into water soluble form via conjugating the same with glucuronide or sulphate ions which is then excreted via kidneys. In liver cirrhosis, liver starts malfunctioning and thus adequate excretion of bilirubin via kidneys is hampered. Extra bilirubin gets deposited in the body leading to jaundice. (Source: Tsochatzis, Bosch Burroughs, 2014) Corticosteroid is one of the most popular choices for treating the patient with alcohol induced liver cirrhosis. Corticosteroid acts via reducing the secretion of the inflammatory cytokines like intercellular adhesion molecule 1, tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-), IL-8 and interlukin (IL)-6. Corticosteroid like gluco-corticoid inhibits the initial events occurring in an inflammatory response. Gluco-corticoid inhibits vasodilatation via increasing the vascular permeability that occurs after the inflammatory insult and thus they decrease the migration of leukocyte towards the site of inflammation (MathurinBataller, 2015). Thus cortico-steroid or gluco-corticosteroid is effective in treating liver cirrhosis because according to Dirchwolf and Ruf (2015), systemic inflammation and deregulation of the immune system are two most important pathological pathways of the disease development. Here systemic inflammation is mediated via activation of innate and adaptive immune cells which results in increase production of inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines.Mathurin andBataller (2015)is of the opinion that upon administration of glucocorticoid, blood neutrophil leucocytosis reaches the pick along with the decrease in the blood serum concentration of monocytes, lymphocytes and esoniophills. Neutrophil leucocytosis inhibits the ability of neutrophil to accumulate at the site of inflammation and thereby reducing inflammatory response(MathurinBataller, 2015). According to colchicine reduces acute injury of liver via inhibiting collagen secretion and increasing collagen degradation and thus decreasing the rate of liver fibrosis. According to Morgan et al. (2017), long term treatment of liver cirrhosis via colchicine does not decrease the overall mortality or mortality specific to liver among the patients who are in their advanced stage. The comprehensive impact of colchicine on morbidity of liver disease is marginal. However, treatment with colchicine, a mitotic spindle inhibitor is associated with decrease incidence of upper gastro-intestinal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. The clinical significance behind the lower incidence of less gynecomastia, erythma and edema among the patients who are under colchicine treatment is unclear(Morgan et al., 2017). Colchicine however, helps to reduce the number of hospitalization, reduced rate of occurrence of hepatorenal syndrome. But the process by which colchic ine reduces hepatorenal syndrome is also not known till now (Morgan et al., 2017). According to Aron-Wisnewsky et al. (2012)oxygen saturation of patient must be in between 90 to 100% but in case of Mr Nathan James, the SpO2: 88% on RA and 95% on 6L through Hudson mask. The first nursing intervention will be to keep the oxygen saturation steady via continuation of titrated oxygen supply via Hudson mask or via the application of nasal canula. Proper oxygen saturation will also help to reduce the risk or chronicity of tachypnoia. Aron-Wisnewsky et al. (2012) have opined that patients of liver cirrhosis has a tendency to suffer from hypoxia and low amount of oxygen in blood of Mr James is the indication towards hypoxic conditions and hence external supply of oxygen will helpful to increase the oxygen saturation with the body. Second nursing intervention, which must be done with 24 hours of emergency department admission include intravenous injection of Lasix to Mr James. Lasix is furosemide that is administered in order to reduce fluid within the body (oedema) caused via conditions like liver disease, heart failure and kidney disease (Qavi, Kamal Schrier, 2015). Furosemide can also be define as water pill that helps in the formation of more urine and thereby reducing excess fluid content of the body(Qavi, Kamal Schrier, 2015). Administration of Lasix will help in reducing the symptoms of Mr James like poor oxygen saturation, swelling of the lower extremity of foot (ankles) and distended abdomen. However, administration of Lasix should only be done after the approval from the medical practitioner (doctor). According to the reports published by Thapaliya et al. (2013), administration of Lasix have been found to provide positive results with patients of liver cirrhosis and who is suffering from ascites and p ortal hypertension. Immediate observance of fluid restricted diet (1500 ml) as per the orders coming from the medical officer is third most important nursing intervention that must be employed immediately after admission in emergency department. Along with fluid restricted diet, the output of urine should be measured after each shift. This is because, according to the recent report, renal dysfunction is the most common problem with the patients suffering from advanced liver disease like liver cirrhosis(Runyon, 2013). More specifically, alterations in the physiology of renal system in advanced to acute liver failure or liver cirrhosis with ascites can predispose patients to a specific form of renal problems(Runyon, 2013). Mr James has already displayed the signs and symptom of ascites for example distended stomach hence observance of fluid restricted diet will help lower retention of fluid inside the body and measurement of the urine output will help to ascertain the condition of the kidneys. Another immediate nursing intervention include blood test for the detection of bilirubin content in blood as Mr Jamess sclera show evidence of mild jaundice. According to Wang et al. (2012) since cirrhosis, is the disease of liver, occurrence of jaundice is a common phenomenon and hence detection of serum bilirubin will help to get a rough overview about the condition of the liver. References Aron-Wisnewsky, J., Minville, C., Tordjman, J., Lvy, P., Bouillot, J. L., Basdevant, A., ...Ppin, J. L. (2012). Chronic intermittent hypoxia is a major trigger for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in morbid obese.Journal of hepatology,56(1), 225-233. Askgaard, G., Grnbk, M., Kjr, M. S., Tjnneland, A., Tolstrup, J. S. (2015).Alcohol drinking pattern and risk of alcoholic liver cirrhosis: a prospective cohort study.Journal of hepatology,62(5), 1061-1067. Chen, S.L. Morgan, T.R. (2006).The natural history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.International journal of medical sciences,3(2), p.47. Dirchwolf, M., Ruf, A. E. (2015).Role of systemic inflammation in cirrhosis: From pathogenesis to prognosis.World journal of hepatology,7(16), 1974. Golics, C. J., Basra, M. K. A., Salek, M. S., Finlay, A. Y. (2013).The impact of patients chronic disease on family quality of life: an experience from 26 specialties.International journal of general medicine,6, 787. Mathurin, P., Bataller, R. (2015).Trends in the management and burden of alcoholic liver disease.Journal of hepatology,62(1), S38-S46. Morgan, T. R., Weiss, D. G., Nemchausky, B., Schiff, E. R., Anand, B., Simon, F., ...Lieber, C. (2017). Colchicine treatment of alcoholic cirrhosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial of patient survival.Gastroenterology,128(4), 882-890. Qavi, A. H., Kamal, R., Schrier, R. W. (2015).Clinical use of diuretics in heart failure, cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome.International journal of nephrology,2015. Runyon, B. A. (2013). Introduction to the revised American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Practice Guideline management of adult patients with ascites due to cirrhosis 2012.Hepatology,57(4), 1651-1653. Thapaliya, K., Bhandary, A., Basnet, S., Aryal, B. (2013).Clinical status of furosemide on liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension and ascites.Journal of Chitwan Medical College,3(1), 65-66. Tsochatzis, E. A., Bosch, J., Burroughs, A. K. (2014).Liver cirrhosis.The Lancet,383(9930), 1749-1761. Wang, X., Zhang, A., Han, Y., Wang, P., Sun, H., Song, G., ...Xie, N. (2012). Urine metabolomics analysis for biomarker discovery and detection of jaundice syndrome in patients with liver disease.Molecular Cellular Proteomics,11(8), 370-380.
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