Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Best/Worst Experience in Modern Communication Essay
l rather than physical presence or written/printed channel. The best experience I’ve had communicating electronically was via e-mail. Last year in March, I went back to Israel to visit my family for a few weeks. Doing so each year is very hard on the family I leave behind, taking care of the everyday life without me around. My husband and I got to talk on the phone once or twice a day, but never too long due to the facts of the surrounding aspects (such as: noise, people that came to see me, and so on). Our landlord decided to sell his house and gave us one month notice as was written in the contract. We only had one month to find another place to live with 3 kids, while I was in Israel for the next 2 weeks. This was a very positive experience for my husband and I. It enabled us to communicate with each other and our realtor via the e-mail. If not for the e-mail options, I couldn’t have done what I succeed to do. I e-mailed each day to our realtor, knowing I can’t communicate with him with the 10 hours difference between us. He sent me houses to look for in the e-mails, and I e-mailed him what I liked and what not. The e-mail availability gave us the option to manage the issue from a distance, without being scared and cancel the visit with my extended family. Channels are the mediums that carry messages between communicators. (Dobkin-Pace, 2006). Worst experience I have had communicating in an electronic/computer communication channel rather than physical presence or written/printed channel. It happened in Canada 5 years ago. I was working in the Jewish community center as an event planner for the center. I was doing my daily tasks when suddenly I looked at my inbox and saw that I have an e-mail from the CEO. I looked at the e-mail and saw that she decided to cancel an event that I worked so hard on, with no reason. To me it felt so wrong and with no feelings. I felt so upset and thought to myself that this should have been done face to face and not through e-mail. She might have had her own reasons to why she did it, and she might have done the right decision.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Empire State Building
Empire State Building The Empire State Building Outline THESIS STATEMENT: The Empire State Building did not cause much trouble for New York; instead, its construction had many positive effects. Reasons for the Building I. Raskob wanted to make money by renting offices to tenants. A. He wanted to construct a building that offered him the largest number of offices at the lowest price. B. He didn’t care for innovation and style , but he wanted a building that sticks with his budget. II.In addition, constructing the Empire State Building was a part of an intense rivalry to win the â€Å"World’s Tallest building†title. A. This dream appealed to John Raskob. B. He made sure that his design’s height would exceed the competing buildings. Constructing the Empire State Building I. To design the building, Raskob hired William F. Lamb. Lamb knew that it was a special chance to create something historical, so, although the mission was almost impossible, he decided to accept the project. A. He was able to finish the first design in four weeksB. His design fascinated John Raskob. II. Lamb found many problems with designing such a huge building. A. Designing an elevator was a trouble for William lamb B. Maintaining a fire system capable of reaching the higher floors was a challenge. C. Storing Materials was impossible. III. Just when everything seemed on track, Raskob and his partners received a striking new. A. Chrysler changed his plans in an attempt to beat Raskob B. Raskob decided to add a mooring mast to the building. C. He bet Chrysler plans by his idea Effects of the buildingI. In 1931, the Empire State Building became the highest building in the world. A. It raised the Americans’ spirits. B. It was opened during the Great Depression. II. Soon after the building’s completion, it became a major tourist attraction site. A. It attracted famous visitors like Albert Einstein. B. It has attracted over 117 million visitors. III. At le ast 32 people committed suicide by jumping of the building. A. Unidentified man jumps of the building’s roof B. Evelyn McHale jumped from the 86th floor after she left her fiance. ConclusionThe Empire State building is no longer the tallest building in the world; however, it remains an important historical figure. The Empire State Building still attracts millions of tourists yearly, and it remains a sign for America’s powers since it is was an innovation in the world of construction. Towers and skyscrapers have become an icon for development; countries now compete to build towers to attract visitors and activate tourism. Some towers are built for telecommunications and broadcasting; however, towers and skyscrapers remain an evidence for the country’s wealth and well-being.Recently, a new trend is prevailing: countries and businesspersons are competing to build the tallest building in the world. Many attempts for achieving this goal succeeded for a while, but not hing is permanent; newer and taller buildings are always built! John R. Raskob financed the Empire State building’s construction to enter the intense competition of constructing the highest building in New York (Construction: Building The Impossible 117). The Empire State Building didn’t cause much trouble for New York; instead its building had many positive effects.Reasons for the Building Raskob wanted to make money by renting offices to tenants, and he wanted a tall skyscraper that would offer him the largest number of offices for the lowest amount of money. He did not want a stylish or innovative building; he just wanted profit, but he wanted a building that sticks to his budget and deadline (117). In addition, constructing the Empire State Building was a part of an intense rivalry to win the â€Å"World’s Tallest building†title. This dream appealed to John Raskob, but this meant that he his building had to exceed 295 meters.He had to compete with Ch rysler building and the bank of Manhattan (118). Raskob’s building had to be roughly 305 meters high, and this height had to fit on the 122 by 61-meters area he had purchased on fifth avenue. Constructing the Empire State Building To design the building, Raskob hired William F. Lamb. Lamb knew that it was a special chance to create something historical, so, although the mission was almost impossible, he decided to accept the project. After fifteen trials, Lamb was able to reach a design that met the city’s zoning restrictions and Raskob’s requirements.The basic design was finished in four weeks; the project turned out to be more fascinating in appearance that Raskob has thought (119). Lamb found many problems with designing such a huge building. He faced the challenge of installing a safe elevator that is capable of transporting people such great distances. He split the elevator systems into sections. â€Å"The section serving the lower levels ended at mid-leve l where the building had to be set back; the upper elevators were placed in the central core (120). †How would water reach the upper stores in case of fire?Lamb designed a unique fire-safety system using giant steel water tanks at different levels. He included 400 hose connection and an alarm connected to the city’s fire station. Also, he ordered that bricks and limestone, fireproof materials, should be used in construction (120). Since construction was happening in one of the busiest cities in the world, the huge amount of materials-for example, tons of marbles from France and Italy, 6500 windows, and 10 million bricks- could not be stored; everything had to be used directly after its delivery.William Lamb completed the detailed project in six month, and the R. H. Shreve arranged the actual construction. (120-121). Just when everything seemed on track, Raskob and his partners received a striking new. Walter Chrysler, the owner of the Chrysler building, revealed his tr ue plans that he was hiding; he was determined to have the world’s tallest building. He added a dome to his building that raised its height to 319 meter, just a few meters higher that Lamb’s design. Raskob could not afford to redesign his building to beat Chrysler, but Raskob found a solution. A hat! †he cried. â€Å"That’s what this building needs-a hat†. At Raskob suggestion, Lamb added a 61-meter top called a mooring mast. It allowed blimps to dock and discharge their passengers. It was not practical and was used only once; however, it gave the Empire State building the title of the world’s tallest building (120-122). The labors completed the steel frame in sixth month, and one year after laying the first piece of steel the construction was completed with a height of 443. 2 meters, easily within the dead line (125). Effects of the BuildingIn 1931, the Empire State Building became the highest building in the world. The building opened in t he midst of the Great Depression; it lifted the spirits of many Americans in one of the nation’s hardest times. Celebrating what they named the eighth wonder of the world, people were psychologically lifted by the building’s construction (The Empire State Building: Skyscraper Symbol of America's Power). Soon after the building’s completion, it became a major tourist attraction site. It attracted many famous people from all over the world including Albert Einstein, the French prime minister, and Queen Elizabeth.The building became an international icon, and it has attracted over 117 million visitors (Empire State Building-Facts). At least 32 people committed suicide by jumping of the building (Empire State building-Facts). For example, An unidentified man got past a guard on the staircase leading from the 102d-floor observatory of the Empire State Building to the top floor yesterday, and leaped to his death (Leaps To His Death Off Empire Tower). Another woman, Ev elyn McHale, jumped of the 86 floor of the Empire State building after leaving her fiance. She left a note saying â€Å"he is much better without me†¦.I wouldn’t make a good wife for anybody†and jumped to her death (Life 42). Conclusion The Empire State building is no longer the tallest building in the world; however, it remains an important historical figure. Today Burj Khalifa, found in UAE, is the tallest building in the world (828 meters) (Empire State Building), but as the competition continues who knows where the next tallest building is going to be? The Empire State Building still attracts millions of tourists yearly, and it remains a sign for America’s powers since it is was an innovation in the world of construction.Works Cited Book: Nathan Aaseng. Construction:Building The Impossible. The oliver press. Mineapolis. 2000. http://books. google. com. sa/books? id=nVd8CCmafP0C;printsec=frontcover;hl=ar;source=gbs_ge_summary_r;cad=0#v=onepage;q;f=true Magazine : No author mentioned. Picture of The Week. Life. 12 May 1947. 152 pages http://books. google. com. sa/books? id=ZEgEAAAAMBAJ;source=gbs_navlinks_s Internet: Thomson Gale. The Empire State Building: Skyscraper Symbol of America's Power. BookRags. Copyright @2005-2006.Science and its times. Visited April 9, 2012. http://www. bookrags. com/research/the-empire-state-building-skyscrape-scit-06123456/#bro_copy No author. Empire State Building. Emporis. Copyright @2000-2012. visited April 9, 2012. http://www. emporis. com/building/empirestatebuilding-newyorkcity-ny-usa No author. LEAPS TO HIS DEATH OFF EMPIRE TOWER. The New York Times. November 4, 1932. Retrieved October 4, 2011. Visited April 10, 2012. http://select. nytimes. com/gst/abstract. html? res=FB0610FF355516738DDDAD0894D9415B828FF1D3
Monday, July 29, 2019
Asch Conformity Experment
Asch Conformity Experment Essay The Asch Paradigm Majority Influence Introduction In this essay i will discuss the experiment that Solomon Asch’s conducted in (1950) were his main was aim was to discover how majority influence can affect one individual judgment and how pressure from the majority can pressurise one person to Conform, I will also evaluate his research method, the results and the findings he attained. Aim S Solomon Asch’s had disapproved of the Conformity experiment conducted by Muzzafer Sherriff as Asch had felt that sheriffs visual illusion known as the auto kinnect didn’t really show any results of conformity as the participants were asked to take part in an ambiguous task were they were just asked to point out how far the a light travelled in a dark room, Asch believed that Sherrifs experiment clearly had no right or wrong answer so it was impossible for the experiment to show any results of conformity in a group situation. Asch figured the only way to measure the rates of conformity was to place an individual in a group situation were they would be influenced by the majority even if they knew their group was giving incorrect answers on a task that was ambiguous and obviously correct. The Method (laboratory experiment) Asch Conformity Experment. (2018, Oct 30).
What new things might just work in Corrections Essay
What new things might just work in Corrections - Essay Example be to ensure that all officers are not only satisfied, but also that the inmates are allowed to have a chance to reform and adapt themselves into the society once they are released. It has become essential for there to be some improvement in the management of correctional facilities because without it, it is most likely that the conditions within them might continue to deteriorate. Correctional facilities in the United States have undergone serious management issues over the past decades and this has been as a result of the many blunders that administrators have made when carrying out their duties. Because of such circumstances, correctional facilities have ended up being highly understaffed while at the same time being an unsafe place for both officers and inmates. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate reforms in correctional facilities because, despite there being places where convicts are kept away from society, they are also small communities which have to be well managed to ensure that there is harmony. It has been recognised that there is a need for leadership in the management of correctional facilities since this is the only way through which their managements will be able to effectively ensure the well being of all those who live or work within them (Jung, Wu & Chow, 2008). Leadership has to be shown by prison management when dealing with the safety of the guards because of circumstances where they have to deal with criminals who are potentially violent so that they are not in any way endangered. Leadership is also necessary in cases where there is a potential of prisoners either harming themselves or others and this should be through the provision of psychological, health, and recreational facilities which help them in all manner of their lives. Management is the running of an institution using the established apparatus without necessarily having to make any changes. In most circumstances, management is often to blame in case of either the long term
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Report paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Report paper - Essay Example Import of cereals into the country has been on the verge of increasing because of the rising needs for the use of cereals, vegetable and milk. The main factor that triggers this scenario is the increase in the number of young people as compared to the older people in the workforce. For instance, with the increased rates of employment culminating to maximum in the year 2010 to 2012, the workforce continues to demand for the increase in food supplies. However, the rates of increase in the importation of cereals are going down. An explanation for this is deeply rooted in the effort by the governance and policy makers of the region to bring about food security and contribute to the growth of GDP (Das & Mustapha 92). The data below shows the countries that export cereals to Qatar: The following is a relational chart that brings about the connection between the declines in the rates of importation of cereals into Qatar. It shows the way the development in the GDP of the country. The relation is in the mode in which it influences the food security as well as strategies for the economic growth (Das & Mustapha
Saturday, July 27, 2019
WW2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
WW2 - Essay Example With the defeat of the Empire of Japan, Manchuria, together with Taiwan was given back to China. The USSR recognized Chiang, which included Manchuria as it had occupied Manchuria in war. It extended limited aid to Mao and turned over the cities in Manchuria to Chiang (Brands 280). 3. The planners of postwar intended for the division between South Korea and North Korea to be a temporary administration solution. The UN had intended to push for elections in the two countries in 1947 with the hope of re-uniting them to a democratic government. But the Soviet Union blocked this plan and supported Kim IL Sung as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s leader. 4. On the other hand, the United States was in support of Syngman Rhee as the leader of Republic of Korea. Though Kim and Rhee ruled with different ideologies, they both supported the reunification course. Later, the United States and Soviet Union withdrew their forces under the 1949 UN agreement. 5. This left the two sides periodically instigating attacks on each other across the thirty-eighth parallel which had divided the US and Soviet Union troops. This led to formal war in June 1950 when Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK crossed the line to attack the Republic of Korea, ROK. 6. In September 1950, the US led the UN in regaining South Korea’s lost ground with China reacting to this. At Incheon, close to Seoul, MacArthur’s US troop cut off DPRK army from advancing. This saw the UN forces approach the 38th parallel and liberate Seoul by the end of that month, restoring the previous status quo. By 1951, the territory about central Korea and Seoul had been claimed by different troops as the Communist and UN troops advanced and retreated. 7. With the UN and US troops war to regain South Korea, October 1950 saw the UN troop reaching Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China. Office of the Historian observed that the Chinese
Friday, July 26, 2019
POEMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
POEMS - Essay Example The poem illustrates the theme of productivity among the American citizens in the totality of its stanzas. In at least each line of the poem, it (the poem) mentions and describes individuals engaged in an activity geared towards productivity. The productivity here is economic and it encompasses all Americans as illustrated in the first line of the first stanza as: â€Å"I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear†(Wallenfeldt, 2012, 26). This first line indicates that the carols in the poem are not from one source, but many sources with a common goal: productivity. The poem â€Å"I hear America Singing†has deployed a huge use of repetition to add more weight and emphasis on the theme. The clause â€Å"makes ready for work, or leaves off work,†in the 4th line brings out the repeated word â€Å"work†. The word â€Å"work†in this line informs that productivity here is achieved only through physical involvement in jobs (Wallenfeldt, 2012, 26). Moreover, the â€Å"singing†has been repeated to put emphasis on how Americans enjoy any practice of productivity they are involved in. Exploration of the reader’s emotions is the most critical part of a poem and what better way to do it by employment of imagery? In the poem â€Å"I hear America Singing†imagery has been employed to reach the needed emotional attachment between the reader and the poem. The line â€Å"The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands,†brings an image to the reader’s mind making them understand the flow and the meaning of the poem (Oliver, 2006, 97). â€Å"I hear America Singing†is a poem showcases great flow of ideas coupled with a fine language use which describes its rhythmic details. Each line in the poem conveys similar information, but only with great emphasis for instance â€Å"The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work†, each line has an ideological connection with the previous
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Long Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Long Paper - Essay Example This implies that the world should not be concerned with reducing consumption but reducing wastage since there are adequate resources for all people. Reduction of wastage can be accomplished through saving and recycling. While wastage can be found in almost all societal aspects, the most common forms include energy wastage and water wastage. Energy wastage can be attributed to lack of efficiency, using gas-guzzlers, and other practices that people may consider irrelevant such as leaving the water running while brushing the teeth. Although people may think that they are using the resources as they should, they may be wasting and still not realize it. According to statistical data, more than half of the energy produced is wasted through inefficiency and the fuel guzzling (Natural Resources Defense Council). The power plants also lead to high levels of power wastage. According to statistical data, power plants convert a mere 30% of the overall energy input into operational electricity. This implies that almost 70% of the fuel energy is wasted during the beginning of the power production process (WWF). These companies can improve the ir efficiency if they were willing to commit more financial resources into the power production process. This process can be improved if these companies could combine both power and heat production. These companies insist on using high heat production methods and situating these plants away from where people live. If this could be improved, there could be more than enough energy for usage in industries and homes and the call for reduction of consumption would not be relevant. The automobile industry is the other high-energy wastage sector in the society. An average automobile emits an approximated three times its weight in carbon dioxide annually. A vehicle with a consumption rate of approximately 7.8 liters in every 100 km travelling 10,000 miles annually would emit an
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Wal-Mart and Cross-Cultural Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Wal-Mart and Cross-Cultural Perspectives - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the degree of difference is so much noticeable that the U.S. managers positioned in Mexico find their work not up to the mark. A United States manager of Wal-Mart, not keen to take interest in Mexican culture to comprehend the distinct differences and make changes in his or her functioning style as per the Mexican culture may go through frustration and disenchantment.This paper outlines that Wal-Mart had used different channels of entering these countries. For example, path taken by the Company for opening its stores in Mexico was based on equal partnership through joint venture with Cifra, Mexico’s biggest retailer. The purpose of this joint collaboration was to cover operational risks of the new market, thus, indirectly getting protection from the cross-cultural issues emerging from globalization of operations. Wal-Mart had been following the local adaptation strategy, without which it could not firmly stabilize its hold in foreign l ands, as winning the local battle has been critical to Wal-Mart’s success. It is very important for any global company to adjust according to the distinct local market conditions. It needs to work upon changing certain aspects of its business model according to local requirements. These amendments had to be recreated. Wal-Mart did the same business model adaptation changes in China. The example of China market is an acknowledgement of this procedur.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Pop Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pop Science - Essay Example Another mystery scientists are trying to explain is how the Egyptians managed to hoist the heavy pieces of granite upward without the technological advances of this age. Khufu’s pyramid alone which is the biggest of the three is made up of about 2,500,000 blocks and covers 13 acres. If each block weighs about 2 tons, then moving it up one step on a staircase is already taxing. One frequently visited theory is of another species more highly developed cognitively than the ancient men. There are many stories that pop scientists claim to be the reason behind the Great Pyramids of Giza. One common tale is that the pyramids are signals to another world in the sky. They are supposedly a beacon made by extra-terrestrials who had helped construct the buildings. Basically, popular scientists are saying that a higher being more intellectually advanced than ancient men were responsible for the pyramids because stone- age men were just not that smart. Some pop scientists find it curious ho w the pyramids seem to be lined up in the desert since their positioning closely resembles the placement of the stars in Orion’s belt. Robert Bauval, a Belgian engineer, proposed that the pyramids may have been built this certain way since the Egyptians believed in the god Osiris. Another feature that piqued Bauval’s interest was how the southern airshaft in the pyramid would be pointed to Orion in 2500 BC, leading to the theory that this might have been a way to send the Pharaoh Khufu’s soul to Orion. Using an astronomical program to find out how the stars appeared in the sky through history, writers Graham Hancock and Bauval claim that the only time the stars in Orion’s belt could reflect the alignment of the pyramids of Giza would be in 10500 BC. This is also when the Sphinx, following its gaze to the horizon, would be looking at the constellation Leo. Since this was even before the recorded and supposed dates of archaeologists studying the pyramids, B auval and Hancock suggest that a lost civilization more ancient than the one in Egypt during the time the pyramids were built should be credited for the structures. Aliens have been one of the most common and popular reasons for the construction of a number of enormous wonders around the world such as the pyramids and Stonehenge, a group of large and tall stones arranged in a circular manner surrounding other stones found in England. Popular scientists suppose that our ancestors from thousands of years ago lacked the mental ability to design or build wonders like Stonehenge and the Giza pyramids. During the time these wonders were built, popular scientists maintain that men on Earth were primitive and did not have the necessary physical or mental ability to execute such feats. With these said, popular scientists propose another culture altogether had come to Earth and had constructed these great structures. Professionals in the field of construction and building say that in construc ting buildings of today the acceptable settling rate is 6 inches in 100 years. The Great Pyramid of Giza surprises them since it has only settled less than half an inch in 5,000 years even when it weighs 13 billion pounds. Another amazing feature is how the sides of the pyramids align north-south, east-west. At an aerial view, the biggest pyramid manifests an angle of exactly 45 degrees. Mainstream scientists explain that the pyramids are indeed tombs for the pharaohs and that there are two theories
Environmental Protection Essay Example for Free
Environmental Protection Essay Environmental protection is an increasingly pressing issue all over the world. Ozone depletion, green house effect, global climate changes or global warming, etc, are the main issues in environment. Recent years, many countries and various organizations have paid more attention into environmental protection. A treaty about global environmental protection was discussed by 192 nations in Copenhagen in December 2011. But I fell every individual on this earth should make sacrifices to prevent environment changes. Yes it is the need of the hour. We should protect the world for the future generations. Why? It is because of mans greed he has the once beahtiful earth into a rubbish of Earth. He has increased his numbers to terrible proportions, has caused the death of hundreds of species of animals, has robbed and destroyed the planet in his search for fuels; now he stands, like a violent, spoilt child, delighted at the speed of his rise to power, It is he who is on the edge of the final mass destruction and of killing all the life which exists in the solar system. The Earth is our home but much of it is dirty and dying. Rapid industrial development caused a lot of ecological problems. They are: air pollution, water pollution, growth of population and shortage of mineral resources. Air becomes polluted with Cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, factories and plants send burnt gases into the air. The production of electricity causes not only air pollution but acid rains and global warming. Because of acid rains the Earth losses twenty million acres of tropical rainforests every year. This means the extinction of thousands of species that live there, for example tigers. Only 67 thousand tigers remain. Tigers are hunted and killed for their body parts. Ozone layer is destroyed too and the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere causing skin cancer and other diseases. Most of the air pollutants directly affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems Nitrogen dioxide and ozone also effect the respiratory system, irritate the eyes, nose and throat and headaches. Carbon monoxide is able to displace oxygen in the blood which in turn can result in cardiovascular and neurological effects. Lead affects bone narrow, impairs liver and kidney function, causes neurological damage and also causes mental retardation in children. Oceans are vital for the life on Earth. We need to protect it. They provide homes for millions of plants and animals, provide people with food and help regulate the climate. But now they are a big dumping ground for tons of toxic waste. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers. Water pollution is due to mixture of dirt, sewage and industrial waste , increased use of fertilizers and insecticides that seep through the earth and pollute the ground water As a result, there are numerous health problems like dysentery, cholera and paratyphoid fever. Noise pollution is yet another problem that the researchers say causes ulcers, abortions, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension besides several mental disorders. Checking of environmental pollution has been absolutely necessary. if it is not checked, the earth will become a graveyard. So we must give due attention to protect it from our own abuses. We must have balanced and planned industrial growth in order to check thin pollution. Towns and cities should be planned very carefully and stress should be given on planting of more trees. I would like to dwell on practical measures which must be taken in order to improve the ecological situation: -the factories must be removed from cities; -have balanced and planned industrial growth -purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used; -green zones must be created by planting more trees. -almost everything is recyclable today recycling is a great way to reduce waste. We need clean air to breathe and pure water to drink. So we have to prevent disposal of toxic waste and nuclear tests. I feel formal education programmed should be provided and implemented for the environ mental protection We need to conserve resources like water by planting rain water harvest in our houses Earth is the only planet endowed with a beautiful environment for man to live We should pass it on to our future generation as their legacy. Protect our earth today for our children tomorrow.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Analysis of Video “The World is Flat†Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Video â€Å"The World is Flat†Essay Key issues or Problems in the video: The title The World is Flat was taken from a statement by Nandan Nilekani, the former Infosys (an Indian IT company) CEO. It seems like if hadnt met Nandan then he wouldnt have even written this book. He talks about Americans and the developing world but says almost nothing about Africa, Europe Australia. The World is flat applies better to people with similar kind of economic conditions. In developing world, a big portion of population is poor or much below poverty line as per American standard. Their first challenge is access to food and Education. How could they be part of level playing field and make this world flat. Friedman says first that Nineteenth century belonged to English, Twentieth Century to USA and Twenty first Century to China. Friedman argues that latest age of globalization will be spearheaded by Individuals. He just made this assumption after meeting the cab driver in Budapest Peruvian Dishware seller who have their own websites. The percentage of people doing their own business like this is still extremely low to claim that the era belongs to them. It feels like an exaggeration. Its conflicting that on one hand, he says 21st century belongs to China and on the other hand, he says latest age of globalization (which is now) will be spearheaded by Individuals. I can’t accept his methods and question his research and interview process. Friedman is stating something without actually based on real documented facts, but on talks with friends and CEOs he visits. By what it leaves out, it does nothing more than misinform the people around the World. In the end, he talks about Green New Clean energy which kind of feel out of context from the main topic. Critique of video, Supporting arguments, rebuttals of ideas: I think there is a lot to criticize about the Video â€Å"The World is Flat†. Friedmans view of the globalized world is often obsessed with the successful multinational corporations of India. In the video he talks about individuals or â€Å"free agents†, but being a free agent is riskier. Free agents will not have fixed salary and health care benefits (Source: Brown, C.V.). If there is a free agent in India, he can’t work for American company without Social Security Number for Tax purposes. 90% of the worlds telephone calls, Internet traffic, and investments are local, suggesting that this Video has overstated the trends. His talk of a new flat world where information, money, ideas, and people can move worldwide faster than before is unreal, we just see a fraction of what he describes globalization (Refer Source:wiki). Globalization causes unemployment here in America. It is shipping jobs outside America where its easy to find cheap labor. The winners will be capitalists worldwide causing income inequality everywhere. This would imply that Globalization will make the world NON-Flat instead. He talks about mashing the two specializations together which doesn’t always give the better result. Actions I would take next and why or personal experience dealing with the issues: The video presents more of an American perspective. Friedmans work history has been mostly with The NY Times, and has definitely affected the way due to which he thinks this way. I would have liked his ideas in a more inclusive voice to show the whole World’s perspective. I would encourage fair trade instead of free trade. If we put his claims to test against documented facts. It will not pass. I would have liked more research and references. World will be actually a level playing field when everybody will have a fair opportunity to Education Resource of Technology. If I make a website and start selling say â€Å"Baseball bats†. First of all, there will be a Brand position issue that is why would people come to me instead of going to Store like â€Å"Sports Authority†or so where they can try and test things before buying. Secondly, In real world, its hard to be an Individual and manage the whole thing like getting the stuff made in foreign countries, handle the custom portion, get it shipped etc. on your own. Sources: (2014, May 9). The World is Flat. Retrieved Jun 7, 2011 from Wiki: Brown, C.V., Dehayes, D.W., Hoffer, J.A., Martin, E.W., Perkins, W.C. (2012). Managing information technology (7th ed.): Managing IT in a digital world. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Classification Of Solid Waste Environmental Sciences Essay
The Classification Of Solid Waste Environmental Sciences Essay Waste management which has always formed part of the human society consists of waste prevention, reuse, recycling of materials, composting, energy recovery and final disposal. The mushrooming of the worlds population, increasing industrialization, improving quality of life, and developments in technology have all resulted in an increase in both the quantity and the different types of solid wastes generated by industries, households and other activities (UNEP,1991). The problems of dealing with large amount of waste materials arise specially in developing countries where these changes have not been met by developments in waste-management technologies (Wilson Balkau, 1990). Domestic solid waste has become a health and environmental hazard in many developing countries as a result of careless handling and a failure to make arrangement for appropriate solid waste collection techniques. It is a common belief that improving solid waste management (SWM) implies making waste collection and d isposal systems more efficient, raising residents awareness and enforcing SWM laws and regulations (Obeng.P.A; Donkor.A.E Mensah.A; 2009). 2.1 Definition of solid waste Solid waste can be defined as a different types of solid materials and also some liquids in cans, that are disposed as being spent, useless, worthless or in excess (Nemerow.L.N, Gardy.A.J.F, Sullivan.P and Salvato.A.J; 2009) 2.2 Classification of solid waste The classification of solid waste is based on the content, moisture and heating value. An example of classification is as follows: Garbage refers to the biodegradable solid waste constituents, obtained during the preparation or storage of food (meat, fruits, and vegetables). These wastes water content of about 70% and a heating value of around 6ooooookg (Rao,1991) Rubbish refers to non-putrecible solid waste constituents either combustible (paper, wood, scrap) or non-combustible (metals, glasses ceramics). These wastes contain about 25% of water and the heating value of the waste is around 15000000kg (Rao, 1991). Solid waste can be further classified based on the source of the solid waste: Domestic waste Commercial waste Institutional waste Industrial waste Agricultural waste 2.3 Sources and Types of solid wastes Table 1.0 below shows different source types of solid wastes produced Sources Typical locations where wastes are generated Types of solid wastes Municipal wastes (domestic, commercial, institutional) Residential, open areas (street) Food wastes, rubbish, paper Industrial wastes Factory wastes Organic wastes from food processing, metallic sludges Agricultural wastes Forestry wastes Crop residues, animal manure Mining Quarrying wastes Mining minerals Rock, topsoil Energy generation wastes Thermal power plants Fly ash Source: Peavy, Rowe Tchobanoglous (1985) Since, domestic waste, commercial waste and institutional wastes are collected and transported by similar authorities, that is the municipal council or district council, they are usually group together and called Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). 2.4 What is solid waste management? Solid waste management is considered as a serious matter in different parts of the world. The unexpected increase of waste production emphasizes on the necessity of a right balance in the various technological facilities for the collection and treatment of waste, taking into consideration the existing regulations, economic constraints, environmental issues and also public acceptance, (Caputo.C.A, Pelagagge.M.P and Scacchia.F; 2002). Solid waste management can be defined as the technical measures that will ensure respective executions of the functions of collection, transport, processing, treatment and disposal of solid waste. The global concern about environmental health suggests that wastes be managed in an efficient manner and disposed of in an acceptable way, in order to reduce and or where possible get rid of its potential dangers that are posed to human beings and the environment as a whole, (Robinson 1986). 2.5 The need for municipal solid waste management The need for municipal solid waste management arose since the effects of solid waste in the environment outweigh the benefits. The following illustrate some examples of improper solid waste management. Public Health Problems and Diseases The uncontrolled fermentation of garbage provides the food source and habitat for bacterial growth. Furthermore, there is proliferation of insects, flies, mosquitoes and some birds which act as passive vectors in the transmission of some infectious diseases. Aesthetic consideration Dumping of solid waste everywhere and failure to collect those wastes in a proper way, not only provide rooms for the growth and spreading of mosquitoes and insects, but also give rise to strong odour and lead to an unsightly and unpleasant environment. Air Pollution Uncontrolled and incomplete combustion of solid waste materials can result in a number of unwanted air pollutants including particulate matter, smoke, sulphur dioxide and other noxious gases from the burning of plastic materials. Thus by analyzing the few health hazards and environmental impacts of solid waste, we conclude that a safe and environmentally and economically sustainable solid waste management plan is indispensable. 2.6 General solid waste management in Mauritius In Mauritius, it is the local authorities which consist of five municipalities for urban areas and four district councils for rural regions, private sectors such as Securiclean, Maxiclean, Atics among others, and the Ministry of Local Government which carry out waste collection. The Chief Health Inspector in all the five municipalities controls the operation of collection, disposal and street cleaning. The officer is also responsible for transport allocation and operation, including control of drivers, except in Port-Louis where transport and drivers are on the establishment of the City Engineers department. There exist a similar structure in the three district councils concerning the management and operational transport. However since the labour force is small, employees from the government are supplemented to perform the work. The frequency of collection regarding domestic refuse varies from twice a week to once monthly between local authorities. The collection of commercial or trade waste in urban and rural areas is treated as a main concern and a daily service is provided. With respect to storage, some municipalities have provided plastic bins and plastic bags to the residents. This has facilitated the collection process. All waste collected by the district and municipal council and the private contractors are disposed of directly to a dump site or to a transfer station where the waste is processed and compacted before dumping. (Source:
Saturday, July 20, 2019
On the Waterfront Essay -- Film
Interpersonal relationships are a potent entity that wildly flutter, like a liberated pigeon, through the miserable docks of Elia Kazan’s 1954 film ‘On the Waterfront,’ shaping the moral metamorphosis of protagonist Terry Malloy – from an analysts perspective, the ‘power’ source of the film. Terry’s voyage from an inarticulate and diminished â€Å"bum†to a gallant â€Å"contender,†is the pedestal that the film gyrates around, however, it is palpable that Terry – a man branded with his primitive mores - is not equipped of emancipating himself from the self-preservative cycle of â€Å"D and D†singlehandedly. Therefore, the catalytic, moral facilitation of inspirational outsiders - Edie Doyle and Father Barry – are essential to the rewiring of Terry’s conscience and his propulsion into â€Å"testifying what is right against what is wrong.†However, rapports do not simply remain ‘st rong’ and stable for the entire duration of the film – they fluctuate. Terry shuffles closer to the side of morality each scene, portrayed by the simultaneous deterioration of Terry’s intertwinement with Johnny Friendly and â€Å"the mob†and intensification of his romantic involvement with Edie and confidence in Father Barry. Relationships fuel and glorify Terry’s powerful, audience-enthralling journey to morality. Nestled under the ‘hawkish’ wing of Johnny Friendly, the beginning of the film sees Terry Malloy a daft â€Å"bum,†too preoccupied by â€Å"standing with the right people, just to have a bit of change jingling in his pocket†to deeply contemplate morality. Tainted by a distressing antiquity, Terry Malloy has habituated to a ‘dog-eat-dog’ world of Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest,’ where â€Å"taking it out on their skulls†is the appropriate method of resolution. â€Å"Its eve... ...y. These factors, coupled with the incorporation of the heart-melting cheekbones of ‘Marlon Brando’ at his prime are more likely to have screamed ‘power’ in the eyes of a 1950’s audience, let alone the viewer of today. Also, the fact that ‘On the Waterfront’ mirrors Elia Kazan’s real-life decision to testify to the HUAC magnifies its validity to human nature and overall potency. As he trudges across the docks towards the unfamiliar, suit-clad man looming like utopia in the distance, Terry Malloy is clearly a product of his relationships. His rapport-catalyzed metamorphosis from a follower of Johnny Friendly to a genuine â€Å"contender†is profoundly powerful, however the ending is bleak – with corruption still lingering as the gate slides closed behind the men, engulfing them into another cycle of exploitation as Bernstein’s music reaches a haunting shrill.
Carrying out Administrative Skills Based on a Project on the Old Bailey :: Administrative Operations Old Bailey Essays
Carrying out Administrative Skills Based on a Project on the Old Bailey In this coursework, I have to show I am capable of showing a variety of administrative skills for a project of my own choice. I have chosen to base my project on the Old Bailey. In order to carry out my administrative skills, I had to carry out an activity such as, setting up and participating in an away day trip to an organisation for at least six people, in which I am the key administrator. I also have to show knowledge and understanding of the roles of administrators in organisations. In this coursework I’ am required to work in a group of people that have specific roles in the group and plan and organize (or administer) our own event for AVCE Business Studies Year 2, unit 20 – Admin Ops. Our event has to be well planned and multi-layered, as this will allow each individual in the group to act out their role. My group is built up of 6 people. They are, Rachel, Chris, Sophie, Asif, Ashraf and me. We have all worked together in Unit 1 (Business At Work) and have all obtained experience of producing information. Examples are in, Unit 3, 4 and 10 (Marketing, HR and Customer Service). We all set each other positions or roles in the group in order to get our event started up. Below are my group’s roles/positions. * Rachel – Boss * Sophie – PR/Phones * Chris – Planner * Asif – IT * Ashraf – Research * Ravi – Research and minute taker. As you can see from above I have a second job role. This is taking down minutes (or notes) at every lesson. This is to make sure we don’t forget to mention anything in-group discussions and can help all of us in every meeting the group holds. These are all our roles in the group. We are also called Group A as there are 2 groups that have to organise an event. We also have to organise and record our event by taking a camera. IT is a critical path as it allows us to broaden our knowledge on the place we want to go to for our event. We also must use a computer database to store information and manage our project efficiently to ensure a smooth running of it. We had our first meeting at 11.33am on the 16/9/2004 and in the meeting we had to be sorted n groups and then allocate roles to each other. We also had an agenda. The agenda was to discuss project
Friday, July 19, 2019
The early petroleum industry in the US :: essays research papers
The Early Petroleum Industry in the United States Ancient Egyptians used bitumen for embalming, the Assyrians used it in building, the Chinese for heating and lighting, and for centuries fishermen have used it to make their boats watertight. Naturally, man being what he is, was not content to let well alone, and soon petra- oleum (rock oil) and its associated products were being used in many delightful ways to cripple and annihilate his fellow men. The famous "Green Fire" was used in various forms for many centuries once it became known that when a mixture of petroleum and ground quicklime is exposed to moisture spontaneous combustion takes place. The flaming mixture thus produced was thrown by a pump mounted on the prow of a warship and the consequent havoc wrought on the enemy's ships can easily be imagined. Then oddly enough, the ancients knowledge of the properties of petroleum seemed to fall into abeyance and during the Middle Ages, and up to the beginning of the 19th century, petroleum was only remembered for its medicinal uses. It was to capitalize on this use that an American, Samuel Kier, decided to bottle the oil that seeped into his father's brine wells. He put it up in half pint bottles and advertised it as containing wonderful medical virtues. Another American George H. Bissell, saw his advertisement but was interested in oil for other reasons so, together with a friend, he leased 105 acres of farmland, near Titusville, Pennsylvania, paying $5,000 dollars for a 99 year lease. So in 1854 the first oil lease was granted. Having obtained the land, which he was fairly certain covered oil deposits, Bissell commissioned Edwin & Drake to drill a well for him. Drake did so and struck oil on August 27th, 1859. The first oil well had been sunk and a great industry had been born. Within a few months of the completion of the Drakwell, oil wells were being sunk all over the United States and within two years the country was exporting great quantities of oil. Simple distillation of seep and salt well oil was being carried out in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Samuel Kier who built a one-barrel still. He was buying crude by the gallon. Later Kier made a still of five-barrel capacity. These two stills for treating crude oil constituted the first commercial refinery in America. The five-barrel apparatus of Kier has survived and is in the Drake Well Museum.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The short story ‘The Bath’ Essay
?The short story ‘The Bath’ by Janet Frame tells of an old lady who has been widowed and now lives alone. It tells of the small, meaningless tasks that now make up her existence. She grieves for lost loved ones and frequents their graves. In this particular story, the mediocre activity of having a bath becomes a hugely difficult task for the woman as she struggles to get out once finished. The main themes portrayed in this story are: loneliness, the plight of the elderly and helplessness. The theme of loneliness is shown through the graves. One of the only things the old woman can do now is visit the graves of her loved ones as she has no other way to remember them and no people left in her life to provide company for her. She plants flowers on their graves showing tender care and talks to the graves as if they were living people. These actions make the reader feel sorry for the old lady, and the companionship she gets from the graves shows just how lonely she really is. This leads to the next theme, the plight of the elderly. Partway through the story it becomes apparent that the old woman cannot get herself out of the bath as a result of her weakened, elderly body. This proves to be incredibly frustrating for the old woman as this really is a very simple task but try as she might she simply cannot get out of the bath. As well as feeling sorry for the old woman the reader also begins to feel scared for her as she is all alone and cannot call for help. The author also uses symbolism to help get across the message of the old woman’s plight. The bath is described as being in a dilapidated state and this parallels the state of the woman’s frail body as she struggles to pull herself out of the bath. This in turn leads to the last and possibly most important theme; helplessness. In the prior paragraphs I have talked about all the things that have happened to the old woman but the one important factor that links them all together is that she is powerless to change any of it. Her body is failing her and she can’t help it, all her loved ones are dead and she can’t help it, and most of all, she is dying too, and she can’t help it. Symbols of death are all around her. The cemetery, a decaying house, and the bath. Being trapped in the bath makes it coffin-like, representing where she will eventually lie forever. The story of the old woman makes us fully aware of what growing old is really like. It is not graceful or fun, it is scary and lonely.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Dtmf Remote Appliance Control System Using Mobile Phone
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This roll DTMF REMOTE stratagem CONTROL organization USING meandering(a) PHONE is employ to apply appliances which ar far forth from the user victimization lively strait. The contain of the proposed transcription is to aim a apostrophize effective solution that ordain let arrogant of foundation appliances farly and modify house security against intrusion in the absence of homeowner. The wiles committed as home and topographic point appliances consume electricalal agency and they should be haltled as well as turn on / score if mandatory. roughly of the moveence, it was d star manu each(prenominal)y.Now it is a necessary to direct impostures much effectively and expeditiously at anymagazine from anywhere. Take an instant when we argon going to office and suddenly remembered that to bastinado off the mic quarrelave oven we fell genial if we could switch off without going backside to home, in such(prenominal) situations this trav ail comes to our rescue. In this body, we atomic bet 18 going to develop a cellular ph angiotensin converting enzyme creationd home/office appliance visualiseler for dictatorial ar deedrary devices. This complicates a spry ph maven which is connected to the organisation via head snip.To depart the mobile ph one(a) social building block on the trunk, a vocife mark is to be quartz glasslise and as the outcry is answered (auto answer elbow room), in response the user would enter a earnword to advance the agreement to find out devices. As the env bider huges the circumstantial spillage on the computer keyboard, it results in turning ON or OFF specific device and the device switching is achieved by electrical relays. In this ramble, we designed a basic sham and it is utilize to run across 4 lights victimisation a mobile phone, emit- ascendence and transceiver. The maximum make out of devices that go forth the gate be le supplement depart be the cast of b arly tons stupefy on the keypad of mobile phone. . 1 Block attracter formula 1. 1 Block plat Fig 1. 1 represents the block off plot of DTMF Remote dodge restrain corpse victimization private instructory phone, employ to suss out the appliances present at a distance. sketch empathizeation of Hardw be Modules The DTMF Remote Appliance sustain System consists of 1. Mobile scream 2. MT8888 DTMF Transceiver 3. Philips 89C51 little- restrain conditionler 4. Liquid Crystal screening 5. postfulness Supply building block 6. communicate number one wood 7. communicates 8. Devices 1. 2. 1 Mobile Phone Mobile Phone is employ as a media to instruct the sm exclusively ascertainler to supplement ON/OFF the appliances.The mobile phone use here is Nokia 6030 as it has the involve features and is embrasured with the transceiver through and through ear phones. 1. 2. 2 MT8888 DTMF Transceiver The MT8888C is a monolithic DTMF transceiver with previse rel egate perk. The transceiver consists of vector and telephone pass murderer. The DTMF bespeaks ar genic through embarker and they atomic number 18 watchd by the mobile phone and de cypherd exploitation a DTMF murderer/de edictr ICs. 1. 2. 3 PHILIPS 89C51 Micro ascendancyler The PHILIPS 89C51 is a baseborn fol base micro-controller.It has a 40 twilight var. and contains non volatile gaudy depot of 64KB which is devil par whole in allel classmable and accompanying in system weapons platformmable dowserospection. 1. 2. 4 liquid crystal scupper give away The liquid crystal scupper unit receives vitrine calculates (8 arcminutes per de nonation) from a micro growthor or microcomputer, lockes the encrypts to its display entropy bundle (80 byte DD ride for storing 80 regions), trans fleshs each mention calculate into a 57 peak hyaloplasm character pattern, and displays the characters on its liquid crystal display screen. 1. 2. 5 Power Supply b uilding block The big businessman leave unit is use to tolerate a constant 5V tack on to diverse ICs.This is a sample round using orthogonal 12V DC adapter and fixed 3- descent potency governor. crystal rectifier is added in series to avoid move around emf. 1. 2. 6 pass along Driver The ULN2003 is a steep- electromotive force, spirited- period darling ton device driver comprising of s tied(p)some NPN darling ton touchs. For laid-back scuttle barelyt impedance, we whitethorn use devil transistors to form a darling ton p piece of cake and this pair in CC chassis provides commentary impedance as luxuriously as 2Mohms. 1. 2. 7 Relays Relays atomic number 18 foreign control electrical switches that atomic number 18 controlled by a nonher switch, such as a horn switch or a computer as in a personnel train control module.Relays admit a small trus iirthy geological period forget me drug to control a gritty current lap covering. 1. 2. 8 Devices The devi ces fucking be micro- turn over oven, bulbs, fans, air cooler, etc which argon far outside(a) from the user. The micro-controller plays the intelligent part in controlling these devices. 1. 3 Working This come out is utilise to control the appliances present at a distance using a mobile phone. The origin stair is the user should make a key to the mobile phone, which is in auto answer direction and indeed betoken gets connected. The user presses the digits present everyplace the keypad of his phone for controlling the appliances present at home or office.Whenever a button is pressed a measure is generated and it is channelizered to the mobile phone present in the home or office, which is inter fontd with the DTMF transceiver. The DTMF murderer de mandates the quality generated and it activates the controller checkly. The controller operates the devices according to the cryptograph square off by the user. The spot of the devices whether they argon ON/OFF is indicate d in the liquid crystal display. CHAPTER 2 MT8888 DTMF TRANSCEIVER Introduction The MT8888C is a monolithic DTMF transceiver with blazon out build up interpenetrate. It is fabricated using CMOS engine room and it offers suffering mogul consumption and lofty reliability.The receiver section is based upon the diligence type MT8870 DTMF receiver, maculation the invester utilizes a switched capacitance D/A convertor for execrable straining, richly accuracy DTMF betokening. inborn antagonistics provide a belch musical stylus such that touch softens force out be provideted with precise measure. A speak off progress deform fag be appointed al downhearteding a microprocessor to analyze chatter progress lines. The MT8888C utilizes an Intel micro interface, which al abjects the device to be connected to a number of popular microcontrollers with tokenish out-of-door system of logical systemal system.The applications of DTMF transceiver include credit pl ank systems, paging systems, repeater systems, interconnector dialers, mobile receiving set and personal computers. In our thrust, it is utilise for re sp argon the disembodied spirit generated by the user when he presses a button of the keypad. later de principle the tone, it is granted to the microcontroller for controlling the appliances. Features The features of MT8888 DTMF transceiver include 20 entrap DIP package primaeval office quality DTMF publiciseter/receiver get-go power consumption heights speed Intel micro interface congruous with 6800 microprocessorsAdjus submit guard time instinctive tone develop perceive modality mobilize back progress tone detecting up to -30dbm Microprocessor expression decline plot & ex locate attribute 2. 1 DTMF reefer diagram infix 2. 1 shows the spill diagram of MT8888 and the comment of the monolithic IC is as shown in the chase display board 2. 1. duck 2. 1 Description of Pins of DTMF Transceiver Pin NoNam eDescription 1IN+Non-inverting op-amp introduce 2IN-Inverting op-amp comment. 3GSGain guide. Gives access to production of front pole several(predicate)ial amplifier for link of feedback electric resistance. 4VrefReference electric potential soakurn (VDD/2). VSSGround (0V). 6OSC1DTMF quantify/oscillator stimulant drug. Connect a 4. 7M? resistor to VSS if crystal oscillator is use. 7OSC2Oscillator full(a)ning. A 3. 579545 MHz crystal connected between OSC1 and OSC2 completes the innate oscillator circuit. buy the farm aerofoil circuit when OSC1 is driven outwardly. 8TONE issue from home(a) DTMF sender. 9WR deliver microprocessor enter. TTL harmonious. 10CSChip take in arousal. Active Low. This signal must(prenominal)iness be qualified extraneously by lot latch alter (ALE) signal. 11RS0 present Select foreplay. TTL compatible. 12RD memorialise microprocessor enter. TTL compatible. 3IRQ/CP founder Request/Call Progress ( dissonant fail) getup. In fail stylus, this sidetrack goes low when a legitimate DTMF tone burst has been transmitted or received. In discover out progress mode, this downfall leave alone end product a rectangular signal representative of the input signal use at the input op-amp. The input signal must be at heart the gangwidth limits of the mobilise progress filter. 14-17D0-D3Microprocessor in initializeion Bus. High impedance when CS=1or RD=1. TTL compatible. 18ESt proto(prenominal) focusing turnout. Presents logic risque once the digital algorithm has nonice a effectual tone pair (signal physique).Any brief sacking of signal condition go out take ESt to soakurn to a logic low. 19St/GTSteering arousal/Guard Time product (bidirectional). A potential drop greater than V ts detect at St causes the device to charge the detected tone pair and updated victoriouss latch. A potential less than V tst frees the device to accept a raw tone pair. The GT rig acts to reset the outer steering time-constant its bring up is a run short of ESt and the potential drop on St. 20VDDPositive power preparation (5V regular(prenominal)). 2. 4 Functional DescriptionThe MT8888C corporate DTMF Transceiver consists of a amply performance DTMF receiver with an versed gain am rubbish amplifier and a DTMF beginning which employs a burst predict to synthesize precise tone bursts and breaks. A recollect progress mode later on part be adopted so that frequencies within the contract pass band digest be detected. The Intel micro interface allows microcontrollers, such as the 8080, 80C31/51 and 8085, to access the MT8888C indispensable storys. The block diagram of DTMF transceiver is as shown in designing 2. 2. identification number 2. 2 Block diagram of DTMF Transceiver 2. 5 Call Progress penetrateA tender progress mode using the MT8888C intermit be selected allowing the detective work of discordant tones, which identify the progress of a telephone roar on the ne bothrk. The ac address progress tone input and DTMF input ar leafy vege gameboard however betoken progress tones bath just be detected when CP mode has been selected. DTMF signals chamberpot non be detected if CP mode has been selected. variant 2. 3 indicates the reclaimable detect bandwidth of the mobilize back progress filter. Frequencies presented to the input, which be within the accept bandwidth limits of the filter ar hard limited by a high gain comparator with the IRQ/CP pin religious service as the output.The squ ar wave output persisted from the Schmitt trigger mass be stinkervass by a microprocessor or counter ar leanment to coif the nature of the exclaim progress tone existence detected. Frequencies which ar in the reject atomic number 18a get out not be detected and wherefore the IRQ/CP pin allow remain low. ensure 2. 3 Call Progress result 2. 6 DTMF informant The DTMF transmitter diligent in the MT8888C is capable of generating all cardin al standard DTMF tone pairs with low distortion and high accuracy. All frequencies ar derived from an immaterial 3. 579545 MHz crystal.The sinusoidal waveforms for the individual tones be digitally synthesized using row and crudespaper tower course of studymable partitions and switched capacitor D/A converters. The row and towboat tones ar mixed and filtered providing a DTMF signal with low total harmonic distortion and high accuracy. To specify a DTMF signal, selective narration conforming to the encoding format shown in side timber 2. 2 must be create verbally to the transmit entropy account. Note that this is the equivalent as the receiver output commandment. The individual tones which are generated (f number one and f HIGH) are referred to as Low pigeonholing and High Group tones.As bump inton from the table, the low concourse frequencies are 697, 770, 852 and 941 Hz. The high group frequencies are 1209, 1336, 1477 and 1633 Hz. Typi speaky the high grou p to low group premium ratio (twist) is 2 dB to bear for high group attenuation on hanker loop-the-loops. The tip of each tone consists of 32 equal time segments. The period of a tone is controlled by variable the space of these time segments. During write trading exercises to the aerate culture show the 4 morsel info on the bus is latched and converted to 2 of 8 coding for use by the course of instructionmable divider circuitry.This code is used to specify a time segment length, which will ultimately determine the absolute absolute frequency of the tone. When the divider reaches the countenance count, as compulsive by the input code, a reset impulse is issued and the counter lift offs again. The number of time segments is fixed at 32 however, by varying the segment length as expound above the frequency croupe as well be varied. The divider output clocks some other counter, which destinationes the sine wave lookup fixed storage. display board 2. 2 DTMF Tones FLOWFHIGHDIGITD3D2D1D0 697120910001 697133620010 697147730011 770120940100 770133650101 770147760110 852120970111 52133681000 852147791001 941133601010 9411209*1011 94114771100 6971633A1101 7701633B1110 8521633C1111 9411633D0000 Note 0= LOGIC LOW, 1= LOGIC HIGH The lookup table contains codes which are used by the switched capacitor D/A converter to obtain disc sope and highly accurate DC electric potential takes. Two identical circuits are employed to produce row and column tones, which are accordingly mixed using a low noise summing amplifier. The oscillator described take aways no lead astray-up time as in other DTMF generators since the crystal oscillator is streak unceasingly thus providing a high degree of tone burst accuracy.A bandwidth limiting filter is incorporated and serves to subtilize distortion products above 8 kHz. It suffer be seen from send off 2. 4 that the distortion products are very low in amplitude. excogitation 2. 4 Spectrum Plot 2. 7 baffl er Section Separation of the low and high group tones is achieved by applying the DTMF signal to the inputs of dickens sixth- straddle switched capacitor band pass filters, the bandwidths of which correspond to the low and high group frequencies. These filters incorporate notches at 350 Hz and 440 Hz for extractional dial tone rejection. all(prenominal) filter output is followed by a integrity set out switched capacitor filter section, which smoothes the signals prior to limiting. Limiting is performed by high-gain comparators which are provided with hysterics to prevent detection of unwanted subordinate signals. The outputs of the comparators provide full rail logic swings at the frequencies of the incoming DTMF signals. Following the filter section is a decoder employing digital counting techniques to determine the frequencies of the incoming tones and to allege that they correspond to standard DTMF frequencies.A mingled averaging algorithm protects against tone simulation b y extraneous signals such as percentage period providing tolerance to small frequency deviations and conversions. This averaging algorithm has been developed to ensure an best combine of immunity to talk-off and tolerance to the heading of interfering frequencies (third tones) and noise. When the detector recognizes the presence of two reasonable tones (this is referred to as the signal condition in some industry specifications) the Early Steering (ESt) output will go to an dynamical state.Any subsequent loss of signal condition will cause ESt to assume an in diligent state. The DTMF keypad is as shown in augur 2. 5 fingers b exactth 2. 5 Typical DTMF Keypad 123A697 Hz 456B770 Hz 789C852 Hz *0D941 Hz 1209 Hz1336 Hz1477 Hz1633 Hz 2. 8 burst forth room In certain(a) telephony applications it is postulate that DTMF signals being generated are of a specific season determined any by the ill-tempered application or by any one of the ex alternate transmitter specifications currently existing. Standard DTMF signal quantify jackpot be accomplished by fashioning use of the Burst vogue.The transmitter is capable of issuing symmetric bursts/ give oers of predetermined duration. This burst/pause duration is 51 ms 1 ms, which is a standard interval for auto dialer and central office applications. afterward the burst/pause has been issued, the appropriate arc number is set in the office interp douse indicating that the transmitter is rakey for more(prenominal) entropy. The timing described above is purchasable when DTMF mode has been selected. However, when CP mode (Call Progress mode)is selected, the burst/pause duration is doubled to 102 ms 2 ms.Note that when CP mode and Burst mode flip been selected, DTMF tones whitethorn be transmitted only and not received. In applications where a non-standard burst/pause time is desirable, a software timing loop or external timer posterior be used to provide the timing pulses when the burst mode is disabled by enabling and disabling the transmitter. Microprocessor interface The MT8888C incorporates an Intel microprocessor interface which is compatible with fast versions (16 MHz) of the 80C51. No hold off vibrations need to be inserted. pattern 2. 6 and encrypt 2. are the timing diagrams for the Intel 8031, 8051 and 8085 (5 MHz) microcontrollers. By NANDing the address latch enable (ALE) output with the high-byte address (P2) decode output, CS is generated. get a line 2. 8 summarizes the connection of these Intel processors to the MT8888C transceiver. turn 2. 6 8031/8051/8085 Read Timing plot Figure 2. 7 8031/8051/8085 salvage Timing Diagram Figure 2. 8 MT8888C Interface Connections for un worry Intel Micros The microprocessor interface provides access to five internal designates.The determine-only contract selective discipline exhi spot contains the decoded output of the last valid DTMF digit received. info entered into the write-only Transmit selective informat ion narrative will determine which tone pair is to be generated. Transceiver control is accomplished with two control understands (see circumvent 2. 3 and Table 2. 4), CRA and CRB, which have the same address. A write operation to CRB is executed by kickoff setting the most significant bit (b3) in CRA. The following write operation to the same address will thusly be directed to CRB, and subsequent write cycles will be directed back to CRA.The read-only position indicate indicates the current transceiver state (see Table 2. 5). Table 2. 3 Control narrative A Description BITNAME verbal description b0TOUTTone outturn Control. Logic high enables the tone output a logic low turns the tone output off. This bit controls all transmit tone posts. b1CP/DTMFCall Progress or DTMF humour Select. A logic high enables the receive treat progress mode a logic low enables DTMF mode. In CP mode a rectangular wave mold of the received tone signal will be present on the IRQ/CP output pin i f IRQ has been enabled (Control Register A,b2=1).In order to be detected, CP signals must be within the bandwidth specified in the AC electric Characteristics for Call Progress. Note DTMF signals cannot be detected when CP mode is selected. b2IRQInterrupt alter. A logic high enables the interrupt function a logic low when either 1) a valid DTMF signal has been received for a valid guard time duration, or 2) the transmitter is ready for more info (burst mode only). b3RSELRegister Select. A logic high selects control establish B for the next write cycle to the control narrative address.After writing to control interp dowse B, the following control memorialize write cycle will be directed to control prove A. Table 2. 4 Control Register B Description BITNAME DESCRIPTION b0 BURSTBurst Mode Select. Logic high de-activates burst mode a logic low enables burst mode. When delirious, the digital code representing a DTMF signal can be write to the transmit register, which will result in a transmit DTMF tone burst and pause of equal durations ( usually 51msec). Following the pause, the office register will be updated (b1-Transmit entropy Register Empty) and an interrupt will overhaul if the interrupt mode has been enabled.When CP mode (control register A, b1) is enabled the normal tone burst and pause durations are extend from a typical duration of 51msec to 102 msec. When BURST is high (de-activated) the transmit tone burst duration is determined by the TOUT bit (control register A, b0). b1TESTTest Mode Control. Logic high enables the experiment mode a logic low de-activates the test mode. When TEST is enabled and DTMF mode is selected (control register A, b1=0), the signal present on the IRQ/CP pin will be analogous to the state of the last outed steering bit of the status register. 2 S/DSingle or twofold Tone Generation. Logic high selects the superstar tone output a logic low selects the dual tone output. The single tone generation function registers nevertheless selection of either the row or column tones (Low or high group) through the C/R bit (control register B,b3). b3 C/RColumn or Row tone select. Logic high selects a column tone output, a logic low selects a row tone output. This function is used in conjunction with the S/D bit (control register B, b2). Table 2. 5 condition Register Description BITNAMESTATUS OF FLAGSTATUS FLAG CLEARED 0IRQInterrupt has occurred. Bit one (b1) or bit two (b2) is set. Interrupt is inactive. light after(prenominal) status register is read. b1Transmit info register empty(Burst Mode only)Pause duration has terminated and transmitter is ready for mod information. Cleared after Status Register is read or when in non-burst mode. b2Receive entropy Register FullValid information is in the Receive Data Register. Cleared after Status Register is read. b3 Delayed Steering pitch upon the valid detection in the absence of a DTMF signal. Cleared upon the detection of a valid DTMF signal.A software reset must be included at the beginning of all schedules to initialize the control registers upon power-up or power reset (see Figure 19). Refer to Tables 4-7 for bit descriptions of the two control registers. The multiplexed IRQ/CP pin can be planmed to generate an interrupt upon brass of DTMF signals or when the transmitter is ready for more information (burst mode only). Alternatively, this pin can be configured to provide a square wave output of the outcry progress signal. The IRQ/CP pin is an open drain output and requires an external pull-up resistor. 2. DTMF Registers and low-level formatting The DTMF has two control registers, one transmits register, one receives register, and one status register. Along with this in that respect is a selective information buffer which is the ingress point for the entropy for the DTMF to communicate with the microcontroller depending upon the give control signals on the DTMF control pins uniform rs0,r/w, and the info from the in formation buffer is communicated with the DTMF. The combination of rs0 and r/w pins will give the following result as shown in table 2. 6. Table 2. 6 DTMF privileged Registers RS0R/WFUNCTION 00 save up to Transmit Data Register 1Read from Receive Data Register 10 hold open to Control Register 11Read from Status Register Initialization of DTMF A software reset must be included at the beginning of all programs to initialize the control registers after power up. The low-level formatting turn should be implement 100ms after power up. Description Control Data CS RS0 R/W b3 b2 b1 b0 Read status register 0 1 1 x x x Write to control register 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Write to control register 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Write to control register 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Write to control register 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Read status register 0 1 1 x x x x transmittance using DTMFThe DTMF has to receive a operate to transmit and then(prenominal) the information to send. moot an example of sending a 50 ms tone- 50 ms pause bur st. The procedure is as follows. CS RS0 R/W b3 b2 b1 b0 1. Write to Control Register A 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 (Tone out, DTMF, IRQ, Select Control Register B) 2) Write to Control Register B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (Burst mode) 3) Write to Transmit Data Register 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 (Send a digit 7) reply using DTMF Reception is carried out by checking the status of DTMF for a valid info in receive register and then receive it by a assertion. The procedure is as follows. 1) Read the Status Register 0 1 1 x x x x -if bit 1 is set, the Tx is ready for the next tone, in which field of study Write to Transmit Register 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 (Send a digit 5) -if bit 2 is set, a DTMF tone has been received, in which case. Read the Receive Data Register 0 0 1 x x x -if twain bits are set Read the Receive Data Register 0 0 1 x x x x Write to Transmit Data Register 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Thus the initialization of DTMF Transceiver is done using the internal registers according to ur requirements and then it is used for decoding t he tones generated by the user. CHAPTER 3 THE MICROCONTROLLER 3. 1 Introduction Phillips 89C51 contains a non-volatile FLASH program remembering that is both parallel programmable and serial in system and in application programmable.It is an 8-bit micro controller from MHS-51 Intel family with 4K bytes of flash and 128 bytes of internal lumber. It has 40-pin figure and it takes input from the external germs and routes them to the appropriate devices as programmed in it. Features The features of PHILIPS 89C51 include 80C51 Central Processing building block On-chip FLASH curriculum Memory swiftness up to 33 MHz fully Static Operation doss expansile externally up to 64 Kbytes four-spot interrupt priority levels Six interrupt parentages Four 8-bit I/O looks Full-duplex deepen UART shape error detection auto shoot downing(prenominal) address recognitionPower Control Modes Clock can be stop and resumed furious Mode Power exhaust Mode Programmable clock out secondment DPT R register asynchronous fashion wine limit Watchdog timer Pin Diagram & Description VCC Supply voltage. GND Ground. interface 0 appearance 0 is an 8-bit open-drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are scripted to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. embrasure 0 may as well as be configured to be the multiplexed low order address/ information bus during accesses to external program and entropy memory. In this mode P0 has internal pull-ups. demeanor 0 in addition receives the code bytes during wink programme, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull-ups are need during program verification. Figure 3. 1 Pin Diagram of 89C51 Micro accountant Port 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/ radical four TTL inputs. When 1s are pen to Port 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used a s inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will beginning current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups.Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification. Port 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/ antecedent four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will opening current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that uses 16-bit addresses (MOVX DPTR).In this application, it uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that uses 8-bit addresses (MOVX RI), Port 2 emits the table of contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also re ceives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification. Port 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/ start four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs.As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull-ups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various superfluous features of the AT89C51 as listed below Port 3 also receives some control signals for Flash programming and verification. The alternate functions of Port 3 are as shown in table 3. 1. Table 3. 1 Alternate Functions of Port 3 Port PinAlternate Functions P3. 0RXD(serial input port) P3. 1TXD(serial output port) P3. 2INT0(external interrupt 0) P3. 3INT1(external interrupt 1) P3. 4T0( horologe 0 external interrupt) P3. 5T1(Timer 1 external interrupt) P3. WR(external data memory write st robe) P3. 7RD(external data memory read strobe) RST Reset input. A high on this pin for two automobile cycles season the oscillator is running resets the device. ALE/PROG Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or time purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory.If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC breeding. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external operation mode. PSEN Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external program memory. When the AT89C51 is writ of execution code fro m external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each railway car cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory. EA/VPP External admission Enable.EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations jumpinging time at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions. This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming, for parts that require12-volt VPP. XTAL1 Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operational circuit. XTAL2 Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.Oscillator Characteristics XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. 2. every a quartz crys tal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left over(p) unconnected while XTAL1 is driven . There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but tokenish and maximum voltage high and low time specifications must be observed.Figure 3. 2 Crystal Oscillator Architecture of PHILIPS 89C51 The computer architecture of PHILIPS 89C51 is as shown in figure 3. 3 below and the modes of operation include raving mad mode and power down mode. Idle Mode In idle mode, the central processing unit puts itself to sleep while all the on chip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip chock up and all the peculiar(prenominal) functions registers remain unchanged during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset.It should be celebrated that when idle is terminated by a hardware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it left off, up to two railroad car cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory. Figure 3. 3 Architecture of PHILIPS 89C51 Micro-controller Power-down ModeIn the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes power-down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their determine until the power-down mode is terminated. The only exit from power-down is a hardware reset. Reset re demarcates the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activate d before VCC is restored to its normal run level and must be held active long comely to allow the oscillator to sum up and stabilize. Table 3. 2 Idle and power down modes ModeProgram MemoryALEPSENPORT0PORT1PORT2PORT3 IdleInternal11DataDataDataDataIdleExternal11FloatDataAddressData Power downInternal00DataDataDataData Power downExternal00FloatDataDataData Timer 0 and Timer 1 The Timer or Counter function is selected by control bits C/T in the Special Function Register TMOD. These two Timer/Counters have four in operation(p) modes, which are selected by bit-pairs (M1, M0) in TMOD. Modes 0, 1, and 2 are the same for both Timers/Counters. Mode 3 is different. Memory Organization During the runtime, micro controller uses two different types of memory one for holding the program being executed (ROM memory), and the other for temporary retentivity of data and auxiliary variables (RAM memory).Depending on the particular model from 8051 family, this is usually few kilobytes of ROM and 1 28/256 bytes of RAM. This cadence is built-in and is sufficient for common tasks performed independently by the MCU. However, 8051 can address up to 64KB of external memory. CHAPTER 4 nonparallel COMMUNICATION 4. 1 Introduction When a micro processor communicates with the outside world, it provides data in byte-size chunks. In some cases, such as printers, the information is simply grabbed from the 8bit data bus of the printer. This can work only if the cable is not too long, since long cables diminish and ever distort signals.Furthermore, an 8-bit data path is expensive. For these reasons, serial communication is used for transferring data between two systems regain at distances of hundreds of feet to millions of miles apart. The fact that in serial communication a single data line is used instead of the 8bit data line of parallel communication makes it not only much cheaper but also makes it thinkable for two computers located in two different cities to communicate over the te lephone. Serial data communication uses two methods, asynchronous and synchronous.The asynchronous method transfers a block of data at a time while the synchronous data transfers a single byte at a time. It a mean possible to write software to use either of these methods, but the programs can be tedious and long. For this reason, in that respect are special IC chips make by galore(postnominal) manufacturers for serial data communications. This chips are usually referred to as UART (Universal asynchronous recipient Transmitter) and USART (Universal Synchronous asynchronous Receiver Transmitter). The ARM has built in UARTs. Figure 4. 1 Serial Communication 4. Asynchronous Serial Communication & Data chassis The data coming in at the receiving end of the data line in a serial data transfer is all 0s and 1s it is difficult to make sense of data unless the sender and receiver deem on a set of rules, a protocol, on how the data is packed, how many bits wee-wee the character, and w hen the data begins and ends. kale and Stop bits Asynchronous serial data communication is wide used for character orientation transmissions. In the asynchronous method, each character is laid in between start and stop bits. This is distinguished inning.In data framing for asynchronous communications, the data, such as ASCII characters, are packed in between a start bit and a stop bit. The start bit is always one bit but the stop bit can be one or two bits. The start bit is always a 0 and the stop bit is 1. para bit In some systems in order to affirm data integrity, the space-reflection symmetry bit of the character byte is included in the data frame. This means that for each character we have a single parity bit in addition to start bit and stop bits. The parity bit is odd or even. In case of an odd parity bit the number of data bits including parity bit is even.Data transfer rate The rate of data transfer in serial data communication is stated in bps(bits per second). s ome other widely used terminology for bps in baud rate. Baud rate is de attractived as the number of signal changes per second. As far as the film director wire is concerned, the baud rates as bps are the same. Data framing Figure 4. 2 Data Framing 4. 3 RS232 Standard To allow compatibility among the data communication equipment made by various manufacturers an interfacing standard forebodeed RS232, was set by the electronic Industries Association (EIA) in 1960.RS232 is the most widely used serial input-output interfacing standard. In RS232, a 1 is represented by -3 to -25v, while a 0 bit is +3 to +25v. To connect any RS232 to a micro controller, voltage converters such as goo232 are used. Max 232 IC chips are commonly referred to as line drivers. RS232 connectors The RS232 connector is as shown in figure 4. 3 and the working of pins is described in table 4. 1 Figure 4. 3 RS232 association Table 4. 1 Pin description of RS232 Connector Pin noFunction 1CD-Carrier Detector 2RxD-Re ceive Data 3TxD-Transmit Data DTR-Data Terminal Request 5GND-Signal Ground 6DSR-Data Set Ready 7RTS-Request To Send 8CTS-Clear To Send 9RI-Ring exponent MAX 232 The RS 232 is not compatible with microcontroller, so a line driver converts the RS 232s signals to TTL voltage levels. The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver that includes a capacitive voltage generator to supply TIA/EIA-232-F voltage levels from a single 5v supply. Each receiver converts TIA/EIA-232-F inputs to 5v TTL/CMOS levels. These receivers have a typical threshold of 1. 3v, a typical hysteresis of 0. v, and can accept 30v inputs. Each driver converts TTL/CMOS input levels into TIA/EIA-232-F levels. Transfer between microcontroller and RS 232c Figure 4. 4 RS232 Level to TTL Level alteration CHAPTER 5 LIQUID CRYSTAL presentation 5. 1 Introduction The liquid crystal display unit receives character codes (8 bits per character) from a microprocessor or microcomputer, latches the codes to its display data RAM (80-byteDD RAM for storing 80 characters), transforms each character code into a 57 dot matrix character pattern, and displays the characters on its liquid crystal display screen.The liquid crystal display unit incorporates a character generator ROM which produces 160 different 57 dot-matrix character patterns. The unit also provides a character generator RAM (64 bytes) through which the user may define up to eight additional 57 dot matrix character patterns, as required by the application. To display a character, positional data is sent via the data bus from the microcontroller to the liquid crystal display unit, where it is written into the instruction register. A character code is then sent and written into the Data register. The liquid crystal display unit displays the corresponding character pattern in the specified position.The liquid crystal display unit can either growth or decrement the display position mechani knelly after each character entry, so that only successive characters co des need to be entered to display a continuous character string. The display/ pointer breaking instruction allows the entry of characters in either the left-to-right or right to left direction. 5. 2 Features The features of liquid crystal display include Interface with either 4-bit or 8-bit microprocessor. showing data RAM. 80 x8 bits (80 characters). Character generator ROM 160 different 5 x7 dot-matrix character patterns. Character generator RAM. different user programmed 5 x7 dot-matrix patterns. pomposity data RAM and character generator RAM may be accessed by the microprocessor. many instructions. Clear Display, arrow Home, Display ON/OFF, Cursor. ON/OFF, Blink Character, Cursor Shift, Display Shift. Built-in reset circuit is triggered at power ON. 5. 3 Pin diagram Figure 5. 1 liquid crystal display Pin Diagram 5. 4 Pin description VCC, VSS and VEE While VCC and VSS provide + 5 V on and state, respectively, VEE is used for controlling liquid crystal display contrast. RS r egister select There are two very important registers internal liquid crystal display. The RS pin is used for their selection as follows.Is RS= 0, the instruction command code register is selected, allowing the user to send a command such as clear display, Cursor at home, etc. if RS=1 the data register is selected, allowing the user to send data to be displayed on the LCD. R/W read/write R/W input allows the user to write information to the LCD or read information from it. R/W=1 when reading R/W=0 when writing. E enable The LCD to latch information presented to its data pins uses the enable pin. When data is supplied to data pins, a high to low pulse must be utilize to this pin in order for the LCD to latch in the data present at the data pins.This pulse must be a minimum of 450 ns wide. D0-D7 The 8-bit data pins, D0-D7, are used to send information to the LCD or read the contest of the LCD internal registers. To display letters and numbers, we send ASCII codes for the letters A-Z , a-z, and numbers 0-9 to these pins while making RS=1. We also use RS= 0to check the engross flag bit to see if the LCD ready to receive. The busy flag isD7 and can be read when R/W=1 and RS= 0, as follows if R/w=1 and RS = 0. When D7 =1, the LCD is busy taking care of internal operations and will not accept any vernal information. WhenD7=0, the LCD is ready to receive modernistic-sprung(prenominal) information. . 5 LCD Commands The commands given to the LCD are as shown in table 5. 1 Table 5. 1 LCD Commands HEXREGISTER 01Clear display screen 02Return home 04Decrement cursor (shift cursor to left) 06Increment cursor (shift cursor to right) 05Shift Display right 07Shift display left 08Display off, cursor off 0ADisplay off, cursor on 0CDisplay on, cursor off 0EDisplay on, cursor blinking 0FDisplay on, cursor blinking 10Shift cursor position to left 14Shift cursor position to right 18Shift the built-in display to the left 1CShift the entire display to the right 80Force cursor to beginning of initiative lineC0Force cursor to beginning of second line 382 lines and 57 matrix 5. 6 Power Supply Unit The input to the circuit is applied from the adjust power supply. The a. c. input i. e. , 230V from the mains supply is step down by the transformer to 12V and is fed to a rectifier. The output obtained from the rectifier is a pulsating d. c voltage. So in order to get a pure d. c voltage, the output voltage from the rectifier is fed to a filter to slay any a. c components present even after rectification. Now, this voltage is given to a voltage regulator to obtain a pure constant dc voltage. Figure 5. Power Supply Unit 5. 6. 1 Transformer Usually, DC voltages are required to operate various electronic equipment and these voltages are 5V, 9V or 12V. But these voltages cannot be obtained directly. Thus the a. c input available at the mains supply i. e. , 230V is to be brought down to the required voltage level. This is done by a transformer. Thus, a step down tran sformer is employed to pass the voltage to a required level. 5. 6. 2 Rectifier The output from the transformer is fed to the rectifier. It converts A. C. into pulsating D. C. The rectifier may be a half wave or a full wave ectifier. In this project, a bridge rectifier is used because of its merits ilk good stability and full wave rectification. 5. 6. 3 Filter Capacitive filter is used in this project. It removes the ripples from the output of rectifier and smoothens the D. C. Output received from this filter is constant until the mains voltage and load is maintained constant. 5. 6. 4 potency governor As the designation itself implies, it regulates the input applied to it. A voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automati keyy maintain a constant voltage level.In this project, power supply of 5V and 12V are required. In order to obtain these voltage levels, 7805 and 7812 voltage regulators are to be used. The first number 78 represents positive supply and the nu mbers 05, 12 represent the required output voltage levels. Three-Terminal Voltage Regulator Fig 5. 3 shows the basic connection of a three-terminal voltage regulator IC to a load. The fixed voltage regulator has an un modulate dc input voltage, Vi, applied to one input terminal, a regulated output dc voltage, Vo, from a second terminal, with the third terminal connected to prime.For a selected regulator, IC device specifications list a voltage range over which the input voltage can vary to maintain a regulated output voltage over a range of load current. The specifications also list the amount of output voltage change resulting from a change in load current (load regulation) or in input voltage (line regulation). GND4 Figure 5. 3 Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator CHAPTER 6 RELAY DRIVER, RELAYS & DEVICES 6. 1 Introduction The ULN2003 is a high-voltage, high-current darling ton driver comprising of seven NPN darling ton pairs. For high input impedance we may use two ransistors to form a Darlington pair. This pair in CC configuration provides input impedance as high as 2Mohms. The input signal varies with the base current of the first transistor this produces variation in the collector current in the first transistor. The emitter load of the first present is the input resistance of the second stage. The emitter current of the first transistor is the base current of the second transistor. The IC is as shown in figure 6. 1. . Figure 6. 1 ULN2003 Relay driver 6. 2 Features The features of ULN2003 relay driver are Output current (single output) 500mA MAXHigh sustaining voltage output 50v minute of arc Output clamp diodes Input compatible with various types of logic 6. 3 Pin Diagram & Description Fig 6. 2 Pin diagram of ULN 2003 The IC is of 16-pin and is a monolithic linear IC. It has 7darlington pairs internally of 7 inputs and 7 outputs i. e. 1 to 7 are inputs of Darlington pairs and 10 to 16 are the outputs, 8-pin is ground and 9-pin is common freewheeling diode . Applications The ULN 2003 driver is used in Relays Hammer Lamps Display (LED) drivers 6. 4 Relays 6. 4. 1 Introduction The relay is a device that acts upon the same fundamental regulation as the solenoid.The difference between a relay and a solenoid is that a relay does not have a portable core (plunger) while the solenoid does. Where multiple relays are used, several circuits may be controlled once. Relays are electrically operated control switches, and are classified according to their use as big businessman RELAYS or CONTROL RELAYS. Power relays are called CONTACTORS, control relays are usually cognise simply as relays. The function of a rivalor is to use a relatively small amount of electrical power to control the switching of a large amount of power. Control relays are frequently used in the control of low power circuits. . 4. 2 Electro magnetised Relay Relays in which the relative movements of their mechanical components produce preset responses under the effect of the current in the input circuit are called electromagnetic relays. The relay used in this project is electromagnetic relay which is shown in figure 6. 4. 2. Figure 6. 3 electromagnetic Relay 6. 4. 3 Operation OperationAndWhen a certain voltage or current is applied to both ends of the cast of an electromagnetic relay, the magnetic flux passes through the magnetic circuit composed of bid core, yoke atomic number 26, armature push and the magnetic circuit operation air gap.Under the influence of magnetic field, armature iron is attracted to iron core pole face thus propelling normally unlikable clear up to open and normally open contact to close, when the applied voltage or current at both ends of the coil is level than a certain judge and mechanical reactance is greater than electromagnetic attraction, armature iron is restored to the original state and normally open contact opens and normally closed contact closes. 6. 4. 4 Components of Electromagnetic Relay Electromagnetic re lay is composed of magnetic circuit system, contact system and return machine. magnetized circuit system is made up of such parts as iron core, yoke iron, armature iron and coil. Contact system is composed of such parts as static contact spring, movable contact spring and contact seat. Return mechanism is made up of return springs of draw springs. Figure 6. 4 Components of Electromagnetic Relay 6. 5 Devices The devices include microwave oven, electric bulbs, fans, motors, coolers, etc. Any of the devices can be operated from anywhere by interfacing them to the microcontroller. CHAPTER 7 COMPONENTS INTERFACING WITH MICROCONTROLLER 7. MT8888C Interfacing With Microcontroller The MT8888 DTMF transceiver is interfaced to the microcontroller port P2. The data pins of transceiver are interfaced with P2. 0-P2. 3 and the control pins are connected to P2. 4-P2. 7 as shown in figure 7. 1. PHILIPS 89C51MT8888 Figure 7. 1 Interfacing MT8888 with the microcontroller 7. 2 LCD Interfacing with th e Microcontroller Depending on how many lines are used for connection to the microcontroller, in that location are 8bit and 4bit LCD modes. The appropriate mode is determined at the beginning of the process in a phase called initialization.In the first case, the data are transferred through outputs D0-D7 as it has been already explained. In case of 4-bit LED mode, for the sake of bringing valuable I/O pins of the microcontroller, in that location are only 4 higher(prenominal) bits (D4-D7) used for communication, while other may be left unconnected. Consequently, each data is sent to LCD in two steps four higher bits are sent first (that normally would be sent through lines D4-D7), four lower bits are sent afterwards. With the help of initialization, LCD will correctly connect and interpret each data received.Besides, with regards to the fact that data are rarely read from LCD (data mainly are transferred from microcontroller to LCD) one more I/O pin may be saved by ingenuous con necting R/W pin to the Ground. much(prenominal) rescue has its price. Even though cognitive content displaying will be normally performed, it will not be possible to read from busy flag since it is not possible to read from display. present we used 8 bit LCD. The LCD is interfaced with microcontroller port P0. The data pins of LCD are interfaced with the Port 0 pins P0. 0-P0. 7 and the control pins of LCD are interfaced with Port 1 pins P1. -P1. 7 as shown in figure 7. 2. PHILIPS 89C51 LCD Figure 7. 2 Interfacing LCD to the Microcontroller Algorithm to send data to LCD 1. Make R/W low 2. Make RS=0 if data byte is command RS=1 if data byte is data (ASCII value) 3. Place data byte on data register 4. Pulse E (HIGH to LOW) 5. Repeat the steps to send another data byte 7. 3 Interfacing devices with the microcontroller The devices that are to be controlled are interfaced with port 1 of microcontroller. Here we used four devices and they are interfaced to P1. 0-P1. 3 as shown in figur e 7. 3.Figure 7. 3 Interfacing devices with the microcontroller CHAPTER 8 SOFTWARE detail 8. 1 Keil Vision 4 Keil was founded in 1986 to market the add-on products for development tools provided by many of the silicon vendors. Keil implemented the first C compiler designed from the ground up specifically for 8051 microcontroller. Keil provides broad range of development tools uniform ANSI C Compiler, macro assembler, rightgers and simulators, linkers, IDE library managers, reliable time run system & evaluation boards for 8051 & ARM families. It is used to write programs for an application.The programs can be written in plant C or in assembly run-in. 8. 1. 1 military rating of Keil Software Start the Vision Program Select new Vision stick out from the project menu Give the project name prjname and save it with extension*. uvproj as shown in fig 8. 1. 1a After saving another window will be displayed to select the target device. In that select LPC 2478 from NXP (founded by Ph ilips) from the data base given Select it and wrap up OK a new project with target charge will be created. Select the new from the blame menu Type your c bill Select save from send menu.The first time you save the program a dialog box will pop-up and allow you to name your burden and institutionalize type. Save program with file name xxxx. c The file type mentioned at last (. c) means embedded c language. Right infiltrate on source group and click add files to source group. This will add files to project as shown in figure 8. 1. 1(b) Right click on source group and select build all target files. This will create HEX file necessitate for ARM. Figure 8. 1 Starting a New Project in KEIL Figure 8. 1 indicates how to start a new project in KEIL software to develop a program. Select the name of the project ant save it as . v2, then a new project is created as shown in figure. Figure 8. 2 Adding Files to the theme Group Figure 8. 2 shows how we should add files to the source grou p after we created a new project using KEIL micro vision. Figure 8. 3 Program written in the File added to the Source Group Figure 8. 3 shows the picture after the program file is being added to the source group so that an ASM file is created for the source file where code is written. 8. 1. 2 utilise the Keil dscope rightger Select start /stop right session from debug menu The debug program will start a new session as shown in figure 8. 1. 1(d) SelectFile, load bearing file from the program menu. Change the file type to HEX Select your hexadecimal file, e. g. xxxx. Hex suction stop OK You should presently see the source code of the file typed in earlier Select Peripherals, GPIO lush Interface, Ports required from the program menu. So that you can see the how output varies on ports. Select Port 0, Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 and port 4. Select Peripherals, UART, UARTs required from the program menu. So that you can see the how output varies on UARTs. Select UART0, UART1, UART2 and UART3. Click on go to see the real time update of the I/O ports. Click on stop when you are finished.You can also single step through you program or set break points at locations that you want the debugger to stop at. To set a breakpoint, double click on the line. Figure 8. 4 Debugging the code using Start/Stop Debug Session Figure 8. 4 shows that after the ASM file is created, it should be debugged using Start/Stop Debug Session. The program debuuging starts when we press the start and it can be ended using stop. Figure 8. 5 After Debugging, the value of the registers 8. 2 Flash wizard(prenominal) Software The flash magic software is one of the best don microcontroller programs discard software.It has the compatibility with the KEIL software. The HEX file generated by the KEIL is used by the FLASH MAGIC to program the microcontroller. The software uses the computer serial port to transmit data into microcontroller. It has many options like appending the code, erasing the memory , reading from the microcontroller etc to dump the code program first the FLASH MAGIC has to be provided with necessary information about the target, the band rate supported, the clock frequency,etc. ,then the software checks for the device connected to the computer serial port.If the target is not connected, an error is generated. The software then checks for the available memory and the size of file to be dumped. Then it checks whether the target (microcontroller) is in ISP (In system programming) mode or not. If everything is fine then, it starts writing into the microcontroller using the serial data transfer pins Txd and Rxd pins on the microcontroller. After the code is loaded into the microcontroller, even the power goes off , the code will not be lost as it is stored in the EEPROM which is not volatile. Giving the RESET will start up the program execution from the beginning.We have seen that using a high level language improves the readability of the program, makes the progr amming process more efficient, and makes it possible to write portable code. The compiler generates the assembly code and therefore places a large role in ascertain the actual CPU operation. Because compilers are not as smart as programmers are, the machine code generated by compiler if typically larger and less efficient than the machine code generated from assembly source code. This may be disconcerting to some programmers, but it is not a good enough reason to avoid high level languages.Instead, it means that you must know yourcompiler and know how the different parts of your C code will be implemented. Figure 8. 2 Flash Magic for dumping the code into the microcontroller Flow Chart NO YES YESYES NO YES YES NO YESYES NO YESYES NO 8. 4 Source Code /***DTMF REMOTE APPLIANCE CONTROL constitution USING MOBILE PHONE***/ /*****************************BATCH A2***********************************/ /********DTMF INITIALISATION********/ Dtmf_data equ p2 Dtmf_wr equ p2. 7 Dtmf_cs equ p2. 6 Dtmf_rs0 equ p2. 4 Dtmf_rd equ p2. 5 /********LCD INITIALISATION*********/ Lcddata equ p0 Lcd_rs equ p1. 5 Lcd_rw equ p1. 6Lcd_en equ p1. 7 /*******DEVICES INITIALISATION********/ dev1 equ p1. 0 dev2 equ p1. 1 dev3 equ p1. 2 dev4 equ p1. 3 psswrd bit 21 org 00h mov p1,0f0h mov r0,50h call Dtmf_init call Lcd_init /*call DispLine1 mov dptr,Proj_name call Disp_string call delay call DispLine2 mov dptr,Proj_name1 call Disp_string call delay call DispLine3 mov dptr,Proj_name2 call Disp_string call delay call Clr_Display call DispLine1 mov dptr,College_name call Disp_string call delay call Clr_Display call DispLine2 mov dptr,College_location call Disp_string call delay call Clr_Display call DispLine1 mov dptr,TEAM call Disp_string call DispLine2 ov dptr,NAME1 call Disp_string call DispLine3 mov dptr,NAME2 call Disp_string call delay call Clr_Display call DispLine1 mov dptr,NAME3 call Disp_string call DispLine2 mov dptr,NAME4 call Disp_string call DispLine3 mov dptr,NAME5 call Disp_strin g call DispLine4 mov dptr,NAME6 call Disp_string call delay call Clr_Display */ main call Clr_Display mov dptr,myname call Disp_string clr psswrd Rx_tone mov a,8fh call Lcd_cmnd mov r0,50h mov r7,00h store_tone call delay50ms clr a call read_sta_reg jnb acc. 2,store_tone call read_rx_data_reg anl a,0fh jb psswrd,compare mov r0,a mov a,* call Lcd_data_out inc r0 inc r7 jne r7,04,store_tone mov r0,50h mov a,r0 cjne a,1,invalid_Tone inc r0 mov a,r0 cjne a,2,invalid_Tone inc r0 mov a,r0 cjne a,3,invalid_Tone inc r0 mov a,r0 cjne a,4,invalid_Tone call Clr_Display mov dptr,yesOk call Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone invalid_Tone call Clr_Display mov dptr,NotOk call Disp_string clr psswrd call delay50ms call delay50ms jmp main /***********************************************/ compare cjne a,01,label1 setb dev1 call Clr_Display call DispLine1 mov dptr,labela call Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone label1cjne a,02,label2 setb dev2 call Clr_Display call DispLine2 mov dptr,labelb all Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone label2cjne a,03,label3 setb dev3 call Clr_Display call DispLine3 mov dptr,labelc call Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone label3cjne a,04,label4 setb dev4 call Clr_Display call DispLine4 mov dptr,labeld call Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone label4cjne a,05,label5 clr dev1 call Clr_Display call DispLine1 mov dptr,labele call Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone label5cjne a,06,label6 clr dev2 call Clr_Display call DispLine2 mov dptr,labelf call Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone label6cjne a,07,label7 clr dev3 call Clr_Display call DispLine3 mov dptr,labelg all Disp_string setb psswrd jmp store_tone label7cjne a,08,label8 clr dev4 call Clr_Display call DispLine4 mov dptr,labelh call Disp_string setb psswrd label8 jmp store_tone /*-Dtmf_init-*/ Dtmf_init call read_sta_reg mov a,00h call write_cnt_reg mov a,00h call write_cnt_reg mov a,08h call write_cnt_reg mov a,00h call write_cnt_reg call read_sta_reg ret read_sta_reg mov Dtmf_d ata,0ffh setb Dtmf_rs0 setb Dtmf_wr clr Dtmf_rd clr Dtmf_cs nop nop mov a,Dtmf_data setb Dtmf_cs setb Dtmf_rd ret write_cnt_reg mov Dtmf_data,a setb Dtmf_rd clr Dtmf_wr setb Dtmf_rs0 clr Dtmf_cs nop nop etb Dtmf_cs setb Dtmf_wr ret read_rx_data_reg mov Dtmf_data,0ffh clr Dtmf_rs0 setb Dtmf_wr clr Dtmf_rd clr Dtmf_cs nop nop mov a,Dtmf_data setb Dtmf_cs setb Dtmf_rd ret /***********Lcd Display*******************/ Lcd_init mov a,30h call Lcd_cmnd mov a,38h call Lcd_cmnd mov a,06h call Lcd_cmnd mov a,0ch call Lcd_cmnd mov a,01h call Lcd_cmnd ret Lcd_cmnd call delay_50ms mov Lcddata,a clr Lcd_rs clr Lcd_rw setb Lcd_en nop nop clr Lcd_en ret Lcd_data_out call delay_50ms mov Lcddata,a setb Lcd_rs clr Lcd_rw setb Lcd_en nop nop clr Lcd_en ret Disp_string clr a movc a,a+dptr jz exit call delay_50ms call Lcd_data_out nc dptr jmp Disp_string exitret /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ social occasion for clearing dis play Clr_Display mov a,01h call lcd_cmnd ret /****************************************************/ /****************************************************/ this routine is for display in different lines DispLine1 mov a,80h call LCD_Cmnd ret DispLine2 mov a,0C0h call LCD_Cmnd ret DispLine3 mov a,94h call LCD_Cmnd ret DispLine4 mov a,0D4h call LCD_Cmnd ret /*****************************************************/ delay call Delay50ms call Delay50ms all Delay50ms call Delay50ms call Delay50ms ret delay50ms mov r2,5 back2mov r1,200 back1mov r5,250 backdjnz r5,back djnz r1,back1 djnz r2,back2 ret delay_50ms mov r4,20 back4mov r3,250 back3djnz r3,back3 djnz r4,back4 ret /*-*/ Display String data Proj_name DB DTMF REMOTE APPLIANCE ,0 Proj_name1 DBCONTROL SYSTEM, 0 Proj_name2DBUSING MOBILE PHONE, 0 College_nameDB MIC COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY , 0 College_location DB KANCHIKACHERLA , 0 TEAMDB true , 0 NAME1 DB BY , 0 NAME2 DB A2 BATCH , 0NAME3 DB LAVANYA , 0 NAME4 DB SIRISHA , 0 NAME5 DB PA VAN KUMAR , 0 NAME6 DB KISHORE , 0 myname DB ENTER PASSWORD,0h yesOk DB VALID PASSWORD,0h NotOk DB disable PASSWORD, 0h labeladb DEVICE1 ON ,0 labelbdb DEVICE2 ON ,0 labelcdb DEVICE3 ON ,0 labelddb DEVICE4 ON ,0 labeledb DEVICE1 OFF ,0 labelfdb DEVICE2 OFF ,0 labelgdb DEVICE3 OFF ,0 labelhdb DEVICE4 OFF ,0 end CHAPTER 9 ADVANTAGES & APPLICATIONS 9. 1 Advantages Increased productivity Low cost Reduces power consumption Virtual control of appliances High security 9. Disadvantages No reference Switch-device pair should be known interlock failure 9. 3 Applications Other applications of this circuit include Agriculture Industry Colleges Schools futurity Enhancement Acknowledgement of the devices initial condition through SMS. This system can be expanded to provide control over the GPRS. CONCLUSION This project DTMF REMOTE APPLIANCE CONTROL SYSTEM USING MOBILE PHONE overcomes the limitations of piano tuner Domestic Automation which uses a transmitter and receiver to control the home appliances. It resembles a virtual human controlling the away appliances using a control unit and a mobile phone.It mainly uses DTMF transceiver for decoding the tones generated by the mobile phone, which is given to the micro-controller to control the appliances. The remote appliances control system using mobile phone will one day become a ingenuousness and it may revolutionize our way of living. The wide areas of application include controlling the appliances like microwave oven, lighting fans, lights, etc. another(prenominal) major application is industrial automation as it reduces the power consumption and is of low cost. As this system is implemented using in 2G communication network, the idiot box data cannot be obtained.Future work includes search on the robot control system in 3G communication networks which facilitates controlling the remote robot using DTMF of mobile phone, with video data from the remote mobile robots camera. The Future enhancement also inc ludes control of GPRS system using this system. REFERENCES textual matter Books The 8051 Micro Controller architecture and embedded systems by Mazidi and Mazidi. Other References www. atmel. com www. alldatasheets. com www. electronicshub. com www. philips. com International journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS Vol 9 No 10
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