Thursday, January 9, 2020
How London is Portrayed in Composed upon Westminster...
How London is Portrayed in Composed upon Westminster Bridge and London William Wordsworths poem, Composed upon Westminster Bridge written in 1904 looks at the positive side of London city and it natural Beauty. Whereas William Blake wrote the poem, London in 1794, the poem is negative towards authority and politics. The theme of the two poems is the city of London and how different people preserve it. All bright and glittering in the smokeless air (line 8) is a romantic view of the city of London. William Blakes perception is different. Marks of weakness, marks of woe (line 4) shows that London is corrupt and unhappy. The two poets, hence, have contrasting views of the city London. Wordsworth view is†¦show more content†¦William Wordsworth writes in prose opposed to William Blake who writes in structured negative verses. Earth (line 1) opposed to I Wonder onto each characterd street (line 1) are different, indicated by the punctuation mark The colon enables the writer to continue the and develop their ideas in the poem as colons are used generally to start a list or add explanations whereas a comma is used to develop an idea in more structure way in poetry, generally leading to a new line. William Wordsworth poem composed upon Westminster Bridge does not follow a rhyme scheme but William Blakes London poem follows a rhyme scheme. William Wordsworth poem flows trying to keep the romantic rhythm going whereas William Blakes is more sutured and following a rhyme scheme. Both poems are enriched with various language patterns that enhance our reading and improve on Wordsworth showing his feelings for London in a figurative way. This city morning (line 4/5) Blake uses a more abstract style using people and buildings of London to present the intentions they are associated with. How the chimney appals (line 9/10) Using personification, Wordsworths brings the city alive, taking the beauty of the morning. Blake uses imagery and alliteration to highlight the suffering of the citys people. He is attacking the Church. Wordsworth poem has a natural message of how a city can expand. He has no political messages. However, Blakes poemShow MoreRelatedComparing the Poets Use of Language To Present Their View of London in Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by Wordsworth and London by Blake1571 Words  | 7 PagesComparing the Poets Use of Language To Present Their View of London in Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by Wordsworth and London by Blake London was, is and undoubtedly always will be, a city of enormous interest and controversy, especially for those employed in the field of writing. The two poems, Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, 1802, by William Wordsworth and London, 1794, by William Blake, demonstrate this through their opposing views. 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