Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Housing Tenure is Less Important Now for Distinguishing...
Housing Tenure is Less Important Now for Distinguishing Between Social Classes Does housing in general, and home ownership in particular, comprise anything more than just a class-related distributive outcome? (Hamnett 1995:257) Hamnett posed this question in 1995 in his paper Home Ownership and the Middle Classes. He went on to investigate possible answers in much the same way as I intend to discuss the contention that housing tenure is now less important for distinguishing between social classes than in the 1950s. Housing has always been of interest to geographers and sociologists alike, in their quest to determine social stratification and in their investigation into the various†¦show more content†¦Social class is a concept which identifies certain groups within society that share common characteristics, over and above all, in terms of wealth, to create a somewhat hierarchical system of social stratification. Two prominent theories surrounding social class are that of Marx and Weber. Marxist and Neo-Marxist theorists base class on the capitalist job market, with its unequal power relations between the owners of capital (or the means of production) and the working class i.e. your occupation de termines which strata or class of society you fall into. Weberians on the other hand, base class on peoples ability to compete in any market situation. Both of these theories are valid and play a role in peoples perception of class. Most commonly identified classes are that of the upper class, middle class and working class, the latter with the least amount of income and wealth, and the former the most. Some sociologists and social theorists in recent years have also argued that capitalist societies (most evidently Britain and the USA) have begun to create an under class, of socially excluded people who are trapped in deprivation and their exclusion. This all goes into what we as geographers come to discern as class and what I mean when I refer to class in this paper. In addition to class, housing tenure is the other component under discussion in this essay. HousingShow MoreRelatedAgriculture in the Caribbean7544 Words  | 31 PagesClimate Topography Appropriate Technology Rural Infrastructure Land Tenure and Fragmentation Credit Facilities Marketing Facilities Extension Services Praedial Larceny CLASSIFICATION OF CARIBBEAN FARMS Distinguishing Features of Farmers (According to Size) Large Farms Medium Sized Farms Small Farms Distinguishing Features of Farms (According to Produce) Crops Farm Livestock Monoculture/Mono-cropping Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesperspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. 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